
pmcg190's avatar
Seasoned Novice
24 days ago
Not A Bug

Team logos disappearing in franchise mode gameplay

The latest update seems to have broken the scoreboards in franchise mode. Every single game I enter, whether it's in an online or offline franchise, has one of the team's logos replaced with the NFL shield logo. This is completely immersion-breaking. Example is attached.



  • EA_Kent's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 days ago

    Hi everyone, 

    Thanks for taking the time to reach out about this. 

    I wanted to drop in here and let you know that this is actually not a bug. The logo that you see on the scoreboard is the logo that's set on your Player Card in the Team Pass, which is intended. 

    We've seen a lot of feedback on this, especially for Franchise. We'll continue passing along your thoughts to the team. While we cannot guarantee that this will be changed, we'll make sure that your feedback is seen. 

    Again, we appreciate you asking us about this and sharing your feedback!

  • EA_Kent's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 days ago
    Status changed:
    Not A Bug

    Hi everyone, 

    Thanks for taking the time to reach out about this. 

    I wanted to drop in here and let you know that this is actually not a bug. The logo that you see on the scoreboard is the logo that's set on your Player Card in the Team Pass, which is intended. 

    We've seen a lot of feedback on this, especially for Franchise. We'll continue passing along your thoughts to the team. While we cannot guarantee that this will be changed, we'll make sure that your feedback is seen. 

    Again, we appreciate you asking us about this and sharing your feedback!

  • EA_Kentit took EA several WEEKS to disclose that forcing this upon Franchise mode was intentional? And it was intentional to have it only happen to the HOME team, even if the player is the AWAY team? 
    Kent, do YOU think that makes sense? It's laughable at best. 

    Even if we all hate it and that's just the way it is now, the implementation is still bugged. No one would want their team pass logo on their opponent instead of them, because that makes even less sense than the decision to do it in the first place. Stop treating us like we're idiots. 

  • absolute insanity. Like itsGameWeenie said, if its only happening on the Home team regardless of what side the user plays on, then it is still bugged! There's no way thats 'intended' functionality.

  • EA_KentIf this is intentional then I am so disappointed in EA. I play Madden so that I can have a SIMULATION experience. NOBODY wants this “feature”. We all want our score big and presentation to look as if we are watching real-life NFL game. What would possibly make you think that changing the team logos on the score bug would improve the game? This is beyond absurd.

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