I've always loved playing EASHL games and opening bags to unlock new stuff and new customizations. But all that work is for none cause every time I try to save anything like jerseys, or logos, or colors, I get and error code. And the only answer I hear is "you gonna have to remake the club" sorry, I'm just not doing that. I've work to hard for the stuff that I've unlocked, I think I deserve to use them. all of this goes both ways with Stock uniforms and custom made ones. Please please please fix this 🙏
Can't Customize My NHL25 EASHL Club
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- Bj0RnOG5 months agoNew Spectator
Club name is 9 1NCH M4LES
- EA_Aljo5 months ago
Community Manager
Thanks. I've passed this on as part of our investigation.
- Bj0RnOG4 months agoNew Spectator
Have you heard of anyone that has gotten their teams fixed yet without having to remake a team ?? Also I’m now having a new issue where I can’t change or do anything with the Arena stuff gives me the same error as the Jersey one
- PGleafs384 months agoNew Spectator
I am having the same issue as everyone else, I don’t rly wanna delete the club cuz it was a grind to get it where we are
- PGleafs384 months agoNew Spectator
Also the club name is Fighting Zyns
- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
Thank you. I've passed on your club details.
- Player_w0rdlcgj4 months agoNew Spectator
My club is way over level 10 I opened plenty of club bags and still not able to put it on my jerseys no matter what I try. Although I’m able to put it on center ice. Not sure what the problem is. My club name is D A W G S
- SchtickTalk4 months agoNew Spectator
There is no excuse for this to not be fixed yet. It has been months of people having this issue in NHL 25 and the same issue existed in previous years games. Why can’t this be fixed? Does anyone even look at the report?
- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
I don't recall this issue being in previous games. There have been jersey issues in the past, but not this same one. I know it's very frustrating. Unfortunately, there have been bigger issues the team has needed to work on.
- W3s834 months agoNew Spectator
Good Morning,
With all due respect, I paid $90 for a carbon copy of NHL24 that is essentially a worse game. You guys need to understand that people pay their hard earned money to play your game and you guys at EA consistently let us all down. I replied to this thread over a month ago regarding jersey and arena customization. You guys seemingly ignored the issue. Actually, not seemingly, you ignored the issue completely in hopes we would just forget. Me and my friends had to restart our club as a result of your incompetence. Hours and hours of playtime wasted because of this. This franchise is honestly a joke. You guys fix issues nobody cares about. Have you yourself played NHL25? Consistently get desynced out of ranked club games. Give your head a shake. Your game has had the same issues for the last 5 years and you have the audacity to say you’re fixing “bigger issues”. I’m writing this in hopes that you guys figure your stuff out and start putting more effort into the product you produce. We are the ones buying the games. It’s a joke at this point.
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