
xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
Seasoned Adventurer
18 hours ago

Received a loss for a win online rivals

I played my first online game today in Rivals I won the game clearly 5-0  end of game stats but look tell how do I lose connection to the game I just finished. I only played one game please have the team find out who that opponent I played because this is wrong and they did something to cause that loss for me when I clearly won and out played but get a loss this is just out wrong EA see how many more players lost to him after the game I’m done and won it.  I want the loss Revoked since I clearly have prove of the win out right. I should 1-0 in Rivals please fix this thank you. 

1 Comment

  • xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    17 hours ago

    As of today 8:53pm est. I’ve uninstalled EA’S NHL 25 for a game that has been sold as complete but it truly is not EA your game is full of bad script and programming of the game it’s 100% not worth the stress who ever thought of your changes tried should be fired 800 games per XP path season is no quality of life at all. Take weekly winners away and now getting losses for games I prove I win. I done with EA products.

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