- crinrict8 hours agoHero+Status changed:TroubleshootingtoReviewed
- crinrict8 hours agoHero+
Funny. Hopefully they got really bad tattoos :D
- NatMicdec8 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer
I figured out what the issue was, my sim (business owner) is a celebrity - so during the entire shift there's paparazzi at the parlour. When one of my employees tattoos one of the paparazzi, I don't get paid for it - I assume because they won't technically be my 'customers'.
The problem is there's always a minimum of 3 paparazzi at the place during the shift, and no way to disallow them from entering the lot - so 8/10 times they are getting tattooed by my employees, and I'm not getting paid for it. Seems to be a slight conflict between the two packs (BH + Get famous)
- crinrict9 hours agoHero+
I'm really unsure. I would think so. Maybe the employee getting a tip but not the full pay, would still be interesting to see if no one is getting paid or the wrong Sim.
- NatMicdec23 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer
Sure thing, I'll do this and test it out properly for you tomorrow and get back to you.
Re. your question: I'm not sure if the employee directly is getting paid (their household instead of mine), but as the business owner am I not meant to be the one getting the money for the tattoos done?
- crinrict2 days agoHero+
Please do remove them. Bug reports always needs to be on vanilla.
Just try a quick new save with the prebuild tattoo lot.Do you know if the employee gets paid the money since they are tending the table ? Not really sure what's intended here
- NatMicdec2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I have noted that there are times where I do get paid, but 5/10 times I don't.
- NatMicdec2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Yes it's with object mods (please dont tell me to remove them my whole tattoo parlour will go hahaha)
- crinrict2 days agoHero+Status changed:NewtoTroubleshooting
- crinrict2 days agoHero+
Is this with or without mods ?