- BabyKitsch7 hours agoSeasoned Rookie
Same issue :c It used to be a residential rental. I don't wanna start a new save or use a different lot so I guess for now I'll just have them buy it as a separate lot. I was mainly excited about the live-in feature though. </3
Issue 2. Umm so okay. I don't know if anyone else uses or has used the TOOL mod but when I moved my sim both in and out of a RR, everything placed with TOOL mod disappears. Note I don't have it currently in my game because broken but that's never been an issue before.
This is after moving into a completely different RR in this neighborhood. I was gonna settle for buying an off home lot small business, living in a different apartment, but I ran into an extension of the same issue. I also saw the world like this when I moved them out of the 1st RR then went back to build buy to change it from RR to regular residential. But when I exited out and went back in everything was back to normal soooo...? I guess this has something to do with small businesses not even being able to be registered by those living in RR or ex-RR.
Moved household into a regular residential and I was able to buy the small business. But I no longer have interest. I understood that we can't hold small businesses on RRs. But For Rent and B&H are not only incompatible but break each other. Risky.
- JoNik01812 hours agoRising Novice
Previously residential, chanced to small business venue. I was able to work around this by going to buy another lot and buying my lot a second time. I cheated the money back. Not sure why it didn't register as owned the first time.
- FIFAdoStress2513 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same problem.
I can't add small business lots downloaded from the Gallery, even though the lot was purchased as a small business, when I try to open it it doesn't appear. Is that the case for you?
It only works if I create from scratch on the new terrain.
- Idaliarats13 hours agoSeasoned Scout
I’m also having this problem on Xbox with lots that used to be a residential rental, but that could be the for rent bug rather than a new one as changing lot types has always been a bit dodgy (I’m going to leave it for a while and try again later as sometimes that helps reset them)
- wummeh22 hours agoNew Spectator
I'm having the same problem :( I really don't want to start a new save in order to play this family. Is there any workaround to keep the same save file?
- crinrict2 days agoHero+Status changed:ReviewedtoUnder Investigation
- DarkJoey2472 days agoSeasoned Novice
Same issue here.
- Resident living in residential rental lot
- Evicted resident and changed lot to residential
- Moved same family back to lot
- Purchased small business
Now I can't assign the lot to the business and the mailbox still gives the option to hand in notice.
- Yavanna452 days agoNew Spectator
Resolved the issue by saving both my houshold and my plot to the library, starting a new world and placing both in them. Now assigning my homelot to my small business worked. There really seems to be an issue with lots that have ever been anything but residentials, like vet clinics or residential rentals.
Changing lot types is broken. You can't change a community lot to a residential lot without getting punished.
- Dan_0nino_03 days agoSeasoned Scout
There is literal no cross-compatibility about for rent and business and hobbies.