The problem I have with a cooking class is that customers don't attend and it gets canceled every time. There is a counter, fridge and stoves in the area. But they don't take part in anything, so it gets canceled.
- crinrict10 days agoHero+
tagging Down-in-Simsland to see if this is the same or if that's something else going on.
- T0RN_x10 days agoSeasoned Veteran
crinrictAll right! I'll do it! 😁
Down-in-SimslandCan you see if there is an bug somewhere in the Cooking class? 😅
- SkylarkCream9 days agoNew Hotshot
My knitting classes are cancelled all the time. No one is attending although I have a lot of customers sitting near yarn baskets.
- crinrict9 days agoHero+
Could you please check if you get the same LastException as posted in the first post.
If not, your issue might be a different.
- Down-in-Simsland8 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
Cooking class were working fine on my side, and the tuning seem correct for those. I think that might be an other issue 🥹
- crinrict8 days agoHero+
Down-in-Simsland what about the other reported ? Knitting and flower arranging ?
Guess the title of this thread is too general now.
- Down-in-Simsland7 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
Unfortunately I don't have the time to test all the classes 😅 My bug report was specific to the classes and lectures mentioned as the issues were clearly identified in the tunings themselves.