
xKristij's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
13 hours ago

calender notifications out of controll

the calender notification is game is out of controll. the pops up is serverly annoying and happens all the time and ruining the game. this needs a fix, and it is the reason i publish it as a bug. it is ruining the game experience.


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  • Do you mean you just have a lot of calendar pop-ups cause so much is going on or do you have pop-ups that are off and shouldn't be happening ?

  • HALirious9k's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    9 hours ago

    (I’m not OP)

    Methinks OP is referring to things like football and cheerleading notifications blaring out inappropriately every single week — if I’m playing with a household with no teens, why does the calendar blares out a notification that should be meant exclusively for teens?

    It is very annoying and immersion breaking, but it seems to be by design (a bad design, since there’s no opt out like the SocialBunny app).

  • xKristij's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    6 hours ago

    yes i do have all the packs. and every day there are alike 3-5 things pop ups with music interrupting the game. it so many that it intervents with the game experience. i dont think its suppose to be like this?

    (i also took and change the calender month to the longest to see if it helps but nop it did not)

    Thank you so much for all the help you are giving <3

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