
iamsweetmystery's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 days ago
Under Investigation

Can't Water Plants

I click "Water All" and the Sims goes to the plant and does nothing. The queue prompt simply disappears. I've tried this with multiple Sims. "Tend Garden" also doesn't allow plants to be watered. This is game-breaking because it means without cheats/debug gardens are untenable. Without the ability to grow gardens, it breaks several aspects of gameplay.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title


  • Hanako-san's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    20 hours ago

    I have same issue but with the plantery box and the plant box from Cottage Living . But sim with a 0 skill doesn t have problem.. only with water multiple 

  • After reading about this bug, I started a new save with no mods. The large 4-plant planter boxes and the garden plots from Cottage Living will not let me water my plants. Plants growing directly on the ground, in single planter pots, and the vertical garden planters from Eco Lifestyle allowed me to water them.

  • I'm having the same issue. I've only been playing the game since Friday, no mods. Everything is up to date with a fresh install. 

    When I try to water the large square garden boxes my sim will walk up to them and then wander off to do something else. 

  • No Mods, No CC... same issue :( Really wanted to make a garden/flower shop with this ep. The Sprinkler is like 50/50 with weather it will water it or not. I can use the spellcaster skills to keep the plants alive but this impacts story and gameplay. There is no " Water" interaction with the 4 slotted planters I am only seeing " Water All" and then it cancel's as soon as my sim gets to the plant. I currently only have a one sim household but I will try with a multi member household and see.  Side note.. I could water at like lvl 1 gardening but at lvl 4 I was getting the error. 

  • I am having this same issue, the only way I have been able to keep my plants alive is because my main Sim is a spellcaster and keeps casting on them to water and weed them. The gardener does seem to work, though he keeps getting stuck and I have to keep resetting him. It really is becoming a bit annoying in that I can't just tend my garden in the normal way and casting on each of these plants every other day takes approximately 3 1/2 -4 hours to get them all done. Which is a time sink I really didn't want or need.

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