
CaptainTFresh's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 months ago
Under Investigation

Discovery Quests won't go away/Constant Messages popping up

Ever since reaper rewards ended my game is contiously 'starting' the navigating needs and scoring simoleons discovery quests. I've tried completely the quests but that didn't work, they just kept restarting. Have also tried turning the quests and tutorials off/restarting/repairing the game but that isn't working either.

And when I say keep starting I mean it's popping up multiple times a minute even when it's still 'active' My sims just gained over 15 thousand simoleons from the scoring simoleons quest just spam starting. Like....It keeps telling me my notification wall is full less than a minute after i delete all because these quests will not stop spamming me. 

I have no mods or ccs in my game.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


  • Hi there!

    I had the same issue after completing the Reaper's Rewards Event. Every time I launched the game and entered live mode, the Skillful Sims and Navigating Needs quests kept popping up again and again. As previously reported, even when I tried deleting them, they just came back. This also happened when switching households or saves (though I didn’t test it with a brand-new save). The constant pop-ups and the collapsed notification wall made the game almost unplayable.

    Finally, I saw a post suggesting just completing the tasks instead of deleting or ignoring them (even though the quest descriptions suggested otherwise). I gave it a shot, and it worked! I've been playing for a few hours now without any problems.

    I hope this helps anyone who hasn’t tried this approach yet!

  • So I made a new save and the bugs seems to have disappeared. It seems to only affects save that were directly involved with the Reaper's Rewards. I'm really irritated that they've announced yet another daily reward thing without even fixing the issues of the last one. 

  • Rillbot's avatar
    Rising Novice
    3 months ago


    Bugs have disappeared in my new save as well, but I'm disappointed that I can't play my previous save. I'm new to The Sims 4, so that was my main save. Like you, I'm very disappointed that they are going to run another potentially game-breaking event without having resolved this problem.

    I was going to buy some additional packs for the Black Friday sale, but if they continue this game-breaking stuff I won't be playing Sims much in the future, so I'm not going to buy for now.

  • This is happening to me too. I have the Discovery Quests disabled, but they are still appearing in top left hand corner of the screen in my game and they won't go away. Annoying!

  • MastersonsDoll's avatar
    New Rookie
    3 months ago

    Playing (or cheating) through them worked for me, they have now disappeared. I reloaded from the main menu just to make sure, and nothing.... Gone!!!! This has literally saved my main save. Thank you.

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