Yesterday I started seeing complete carbon copies of the sim in the household I'm currently playing. Same clothes and hair and same names. these duplicates are even asking to come over to hangout. So far, they are all 3 of the teens in the household. I've never seen this happen before.
duplicate sims in the neighborhood
- crinrictHero+Status changed:NewtoTroubleshooting
Are you using mods/cc ? Do you have those Sims saved to your library or are they not Sims you created ?
- Wheelie19ANew Spectator
I don't use mods or CC. These are sims I made myself maybe a week or 2 ago. Is there a way I can delete this duplicate family. It is all the ages since yesterday I saw the duplicate of Young Adult.
- crinrictHero+
They should be in the household manager so you can just delete them fro there. Does the game keep making new ones ?
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