A Community lot is everything that's not residential. The Eco livestyle lot trait is a community space, hence the confusion.
Gave this a short test and I had a few Sims show up although there was a thunderstorm going on. This was for the default.
Maybe others can chime in what they are seeing.
Sorry for confusion with name of lot.
I've been investigating this a bit more.
Before I go on though, previously (going back months/years) you could add items to lots called PARKS eg Desert Bloom and Magnolia Blossom eg Fabricators, Fridges, Easels, and random SIMS would visit these parks 24/7 and use items eg plant and tend seeds in pots and vertical planters. They would use easels to paint. Use woodworking tables AND Fabricators and Guntdach Recyclers without being told to. Rummage in bins, Woo Hoo in bins, Dumpster Dive (again without being told to).
Since last update, they only use items that were originally in parks, eg chess tables.
Previously, if you created a Community Space, and voted for a particular type of space eg Maker, Garden and Marketplace, random Sims would visit and use every item there whether or not it was exclusive for that type. So if you had a planter box in a Maker Space, they would plant and tend. If you put a Sales table there, it would be manned and they would usually sell plants and dyes, soy wax and beeswax and more importantly Eco Upgrade parts. Now these tables are unattended even in a dedicated Market Places. Before if you put in the Grub and Beetle houses, they would get tended and fed. If you put in the insects etc, they seem to get tended but it's "off screen". The dumpster bins gradually fill with rubbish even though it seems no one is there.
Sims visiting lot: Still the only Community Space lots that gets visited by random Sims are Maker Spaces and they have designated roles. Other Sims hang around outside buildable area but don't come in.
Nobody but active Sim enters the other two Community Spaces.
Recreation Centres: Random Sims do enter these but don't use Easels, Fabricators or Woodworking tables if they are there.
The only thing that seems multipurpose is the Arts centre where random Sims come and use equipment with no Master designations. I'm not sure whether it's tied to their skill level.
To test all the above, I used the same basic design and placed it in a number of different lots on a few maps. Then I assigned each to the above different categories ie Park, Recreation Centre, Arts Centre and the four types of Community Space. Then I had a Sim visit each and stayed a while with that Sim to see what happened. In the Community Space variants, other Sims walked around out side but didn't enter built area unless they were classified as Mentors. The other is as above.
It can't just be because those items aren't expected at those sites, because if I put computers in each they get used straight away.
Plus the times they visit these places seems to have changed. They used to be 24/7 but now they arrive at Recreations Centres and parks around 7am and leave at 10pm. Not good for Vampires!
I'm confused by your statement: "Gave this a short test and I had a few Sims show up although there was a thunderstorm going on." Show up where? Which type of lot and what map? As you say, Community lots cover a wide variety of functional spaces.