
Joey9902's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 months ago
Under Investigation

[LD] Kids With Grim Aged Up with Scrunched Faces/Body

Ive been playing a new save since Life and Death came out, no issues up until recently. My sim had twins with the grim reaper, and since aging them up to a teen (this might've been an issue before but i didn’t notice it until they became teens), their faces and bodies change after going through a loading screen (quitting or traveling). Their jaws move as far up as possible, their ears and eyes get smaller, their waist, legs and shoulders go as far in as possible.. It’s ONLY my teens as i've edited another teen (plus have an adult in the household) and no issues.. Ive repaired my game, updated mods, tried saving them to the gallery/re putting them in my game, resetting them, turned mods off and had the same issue, NOTHING is working! Not sure if maybe its a glitch having to do with them being Grims kids..? added before and after pics to see the difference..

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ

Archived thread had around 300 me toos

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