I start a new game of Sims 4 & I view that one of the in-game families is not in the game. The Valtore.
Is it a bug or not?
Ps. I delete the CC and the Mods before begin the new game.
Thank you.
I start a new game of Sims 4 & I view that one of the in-game families is not in the game. The Valtore.
Is it a bug or not?
Ps. I delete the CC and the Mods before begin the new game.
Thank you.
So that could be the explanation then. They moved out.
I check and yes it is on.
Do you have neighborhood stories on ? Maybe they just moved out.
They were in the new game, but after the new save, they disapper.
It is because I use cheat code and/or disable the auto aging?
In that particular save or happening on others as well? You can just place them
Here a picture, they are in the game. But not in there home. I think other households have this problem.
It depends. Did you play long in that save and were they ever there ? If not, restoring the save will nto help.
In Reddit, somme says to restore on previous save. Should it work?
Yeah, the I would just place them in the save they are missing.