
chicken_lisa-75's avatar
New Spectator
3 days ago
Under Investigation

[BH] Some rooms don't have outline/don't allow room type assignment

As soon as I add railing to my stairs (and across the top step effectively creating another room) I can no longer assign as residents, public, or employees only. Spandrels also delete any room assignments 

Edit By Crinrict: Added pack tag to title. adjusted title

Edit by crinrict

Possible causes for this

  • Freezes
  • Spandrels
  • Railings


  • Btot_Rot's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 days ago

    Yeah I don't have the option to assign half of the rooms in my building and don't know why.

  • Hi chicken_lisa-75 

    for completions sake could you please add tags for mod usage. Thank you.

    Also, your pic didn't properly upload. Could you re-upload it ?

  • cmsawyers's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 days ago

    I'm having this same issue, I can't assign any of the rooms upstairs. I've never used any mods or CC.

  • I didn't think to grab a screenshot before I fixed it, sorry! But I have a screenshot of the build and all of the rooms that I outlined in Blue are the ones that wouldn't let me assign the room type, including the room with the stairs and rooms without stairs. It would let me assign the roof rooms with the gravel floors though despite them also being on the third level. 



  • I have similar a similar issue. Multiple times, the room the stairs lead up to has ended up not having/losing the ability to be assigned a room type (residential/public/employees). 

    I managed to restore it previously, but gave up when expanding the house one tile in width. It was somehow fine without the railing along the top of the stairs, but when closing the railing (in the position indicated by the wall tool in the second picture) it would turn into an ordinary room without any coloured outline. I tried to do it in a variation of ways to see if anything worked, but the same thing would always happen - whenever that one tile long piece of fence was placed, there'd be that thunk with dust coming out from around the room, as if completing it, though the outer walls remained untouched. 

    Edit: restarting the game fixed it for me:

  • SamlyTV's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 days ago

    I've also been having this problem. Restarting has solved it every time so far.

  • Edit: I put the railings in and the room was not assigned anymore. Then i saved and restarted. And the room was assigned with the railings in place. 

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