- mkf517863 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
This did seem to work for me at least. I'll let you know if I run into the error again after playing for a bit.
Am I okay to pull my saves and what not into the new folder from the old one?
- crinrict3 days agoHero+
It's possible that it's related to the save game.
You can now start to copy back things from Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4_Old to the new Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 folder that was created.
First only copy (I suggest to copy so you can go back in case anything goes wrong along the way) the content of the folder Saves (these are your save games). If you are prompted if want to overwrite a save, decide if you want to keep that testing save you just made or not. If not, just overwrite if, if you want to keep it, rename the save to a different number that isn't taken.
Test just your save game with nothing else added back. If that works, you can start copying back the rest. If not, check back.
You will need the following folders
- Tray (your households and lots you have saved to library)- Custom Music (if you added any)
- Screenshots (if you've taken any)
- Videos (if you've taken any)
- ConfigOverride (if you made any although I recommend redoing those)
- Options(.ini) (although I recommend to just redo your settings in the game)
Now test again. If that still works, you can put back your mods. Put them back in groups and make sure they are still compatible with the game.
All other files are recreated and not needed. - MapleSimmer3 days agoSeasoned Ace
I too kept having the Season selection screen pop up every time my sims travelled in one of my saves, and while usually selecting the season and then selecting okay let my sims travel, when I had them try to return home from from Magic HQ as selecting the new season didn't register so it was stuck in a loop. I ended up using the send home option on the sim and that let me get them home without having the season selector pop up.
I tried a factory reset of the user files, that unfortunately didn't help. I also tried repairing my game, that didn't work either.
What worked for me was to disable Seasons, open the save and save with Seasons disabled, close the game and then re-enable Seasons. Once I did that I got the Season selector the first time I loaded in and I haven't seen it since then. Though one thing I did before disabling the pack was that I tried to sell anything the sims owned that was Seasons related first, and put their plants from the Seasons pack in a room in my library so I could place them back on their lot after I re-enabled the pack, since disabling the pack removes all Seasons content from any save you go into with it disabled.
Note I have all the packs, play on Windows 10 through the EA app and was playing in a new, mod (and cc) free after the update. This happened to me before today's update (but after last week's update).
Best regards,
Jennifer - DanaJ13 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I'm having the same issue and I also keep having the discovery guides for how to play the game coming up none stop. It appears to be a glitch with the new update / expansion.
- MapleSimmer3 days agoSeasoned Ace
I am having the same issue with the discovery quests in the save with the seasons selector screen with the new pack. I have another save where I didn't get Trashley (? spelling) ask about the discovery quests and I didn't have the issue with the seasons selector screen in that save, though it's quite possible the repeating quests is just a coincidence and it's probably just a separate bug, especially since the repeating discovery quests have continued even after I resolved the season selector screen issue coming up with travel by temporarily disabling the Seasons pack. I've not yet looked to see if the issue with the repeating discovery quests has been reported.
- KahakotheFae3 days agoRising Spectator
This issue specifically started occurring when I turned on discovery quests through Trashley. I did not have a problem with the save before I did this.
Tested with a new save, and this is what occurred:- Discovery Quests Disabled, able to open map without seasons menu opening.
- Turning on Discovery quests from the game options menu, open map: Seasons menu does NOT open
- Disable from menu and open map: seasons menu does NOT open
- Travel to a different world with Discovery Quests DISABLED: No issue
- Travel to a different world with Discovery Quests ENABLED: No Issue
- Enable Discovery Quests through Trashley and travel: Issue Occurs.
- Disable Discovery Quests after this: Issue continues to occur
Resetting Discovery Quests, Resetting all settings, and repairing game does not resolve the issue. The only way I've been able to avoid the issue so far is to not speak to Trashley at all on my save.
EDIT: Resetting Discovery Quests, Resetting Guidance system, and loading into a different save then back into a save where the issue was occurring WHILE DISCOVERY QUESTS ARE OFF fixed this for me.
- Eggbeatersims3 days agoSeasoned Rookie
This is happening to me on PC. Every time I travel, I'm prompted to pick a season to start in.
- LittleWOSS3 days agoSeasoned Traveler
I also have the same problem since I installed the new Businesses & Hobbies expansion.
- LittleWOSS3 days agoSeasoned Traveler
After installing the new Businesses & Hobbies expansion, the game automatically changed some of my save settings, such as the Sims’ lifespan, the calendar, and it also enabled Discovery Quests. The Discovery Quests keep repeating, and the game doesn’t recognize what has already been completed.
- LordNina223 days agoNew Spectator
"EDIT: Resetting Discovery Quests, Resetting Guidance system, and loading into a different save then back into a save where the issue was occurring WHILE DISCOVERY QUESTS ARE OFF fixed this for me. "
Thank you so much, this worked for me as well!