Hi ! I have a problem in my game when I want to save my game.. I receive a message that tells me: "Save error. Error code: 0.". I don't know what can I do.. However, I tried to resolve this problem ...
"Save error. Error code: 0."
6 months agoNew Spectator
I’m having the same issue! I’m on the PS4 and have never had mods. I’ve tried closing out of the game after creating a new save file, restarting my PlayStation, and restarting the game and nothing has worked! I started having this issue today after adding in a new townie for my sim to interact with.
- Amealie6 months agoNew Spectator
mine happened too after adding a new townie, i deleted the new one then delete your recent save that has “tmp” at the very end like Slot_00004tmp
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