
sleepwalkerxp's avatar
New Novice
14 hours ago

Sims can't do anything together on public parceles

When I go on a public parcel with my sims (they live together in the same house) and I want them to do something together they are not showing on the list. For example: I wanted them to sing together or play and I can't do it. In house everything is okay but the problem is only on public parcels. I don't use any mods or cc. I tried to uninstalling and reinstalling but it  doesn't work. Also I tried to do new save or try playing different family but there is the same problem. 


  • sleepwalkerxp Gave this a short test and it works fine for me. 

    Don't know what else you could try since you already tried a new family/save and stated that you use no mods/cc.

    Are they grouped together ? Do you have the option to do stuff 'together' ?

  • sleepwalkerxp's avatar
    New Novice
    7 hours ago

    It's hard to explain it but I will try (english is not my first language so I'm sorry). They grouped together and for example they can play cards together but other stuff like karaoke, darts and so on they can't and it's really annoying ://

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