
TOPAZBEAUTY15's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 months ago

Teenager don't get third trait on aging/no Graduation

Is anyone else having an issue with the features that were introduced with the Growing Together (Expansion Pack), High School Years (Expansion Pack), Parenthood (Game Pack) and/or Toddler (Stuff Pack)? [No Mods or CC used]

The Graduation function doesn't allow sims my playable sims to go to graduation.

When I age up my sims from Teen to Young Adult, they don't get their Characteristics or get the "Age Up" screen to choose a new trait. 

I don't get to lose teeth or get acne.

Infants & Toddlers don't get their milestone, even when worked on for a long time.

I know these are minor issues but if they were featured as selling points to the games, I think they should be in there and playable.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


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