Mobile Version of C&C: Mobile Tiberium Wars
Hello developers! I am from Northern Europe, a fan from 90's of one of your humblest games that is called C&C: Tiberian San. Does anyone know if there be a version of the Tiberium Wars game on a mobile platform? What is currently called C&C:Rivals in Play Market is more of a children's version with a toy design. Perhaps, this is not what fans of 90's expected. I wonder if there are any plans to release a version of the C&C with GDI, NOD and Aliens, and maybe even other competitive sides on Android in the near future; for fans of Tiberian Sun from the 90s? Would it have the same atmosphere with the great music and modern graphics that a medium-power smartphone could handle? Kind regards, Val Northern Europe, FinlandKane Fallen Prophet skin does not appear in C&C Rivals vanity store
This is the second time this year that the Kane Fallen Prophet skin is announced via in-game inbox email on the Android version of Command and Conquer Rivals and once more the skin doesn't actually show up in the vanity store. I'm sharing screenshots hoping to raise awareness of this issue in order to gain the attention from the community manager who can help address this issue. The skin is pretty much the last one that I'm missing. Thank you.Restore association between Google Play and player profile
Hi there. I post this upon request of one of your support agents, as apparently this is needed to have the case screened by the admins (which is strange to me but anyway...) I used to play CnC Rivals with two profiles, each associated with an email address in google play. I did the switch by logging out and in again on the same Android device. I believe at a certain point I haven't completed the process and wanted to return to the original profile, but instead of doing that, I think I have associated the same profile to both email addresses. Now I cannot access anymore the profile named after my forum username. I kindly ask you - if possible - to restore the association between my email address and the player profile. More details can be provided of course through PN. Case number is 196910335 Thanks for your attention