I'm a big fan of the games and am a Be A Pro merchant. I've played the last 10 NHL games, and have been wondering why it's so easy to become the captain in Be A Pro. The few things I want for NHL 26 Be A Pro are very simple: NHL 19 mechanics where it took 3-4 seasons to get the A, and 2-3 seasons after that to get the C. Since then, you could pretty much immediately become captain after a single season in every Be A Pro. I would love to see them implement these mechanics into the next game. It not only gives you something to work towards, but also adds a level a realism to the game. Please give less dialogue in Be a Pro and make it easier to sim. With so many random side missions and interactions, it makes it difficult to want to really grind the career and play for a while. NHL 19 is a perfect example of what my ideal Be A Pro would look like. Fix the Low, High, and Fixed camera angles to make them not spin in 360 degrees. Why not just make it like the FIFA career camera?192Views0likes13CommentsSuggestions for Career and Franchise Mode Improvements in NHL 26
The Career mode in NHL 25 lacks several key elements to make the experience more immersive and realistic. It would be beneficial to add richer interactions between the player, the coach, the managers, and the team. Currently, the training sessions are too limited and could be much more realistic and impactful on player development. Additionally, allowing players to start very young, at age 14, in summer camps or junior leagues, would add a deeper dimension to a player's career. Furthermore, the Franchise mode could be improved by allowing players to start in any league, including those not currently available in the game. This would provide more diversity and strategic choices, allowing players to build a career at their own pace and create new dynamics for each team. These improvements would greatly enrich the overall experience of the game, offering more flexibility and opportunities to shape the player's journey. While it may be too late for NHL 25, these suggestions could be considered for NHL 26 if the developers are open to them. I hope a dev will answer my message or not :D184Views2likes6CommentsIdeas for NHL 26 Be A Pro improvements
Improvements for NHL 26 Be a Pro (that's all I have right now) Challenges: Add new challenges in game and/or in dialogue: - Score one goal on a Power Play - Score one goal on a breakaway - Score one goal on a skill-based one-tee - Score one goal on a spin-a-rama - Score one goal using a deke/trick move - Score one goal in a shoot-out - Score X goals on/using Y etc... - Don't allow any goals on one Penalty Kill - Block 3 shots in one game - Perform 3 successful poke-checks in one game - Perform 3 big-hits in one game - Win a fight in one game - Take no penalties in X games (could be cheesed with sliders) - etc... - Complete a shutout in one game - Allow X goals or less in one game - Block X shots or more in one game - Block a shot with a flying poke check in one game - Don't allow any goals in a shoot-out in any game - Block one skill-based one-tee in one game - Perform one goalie-goal in any game - etc... Rewards: - Permanent skill boosts - Temporary skill boosts - Trait Points (much needed, far too few awarded in BaP) - X-Factor points (hard challenges, multi-game challenges, etc.) - X amount of Money - Specific perk unlock for free (temporary perks for small challenges, permanent perk for multi-game challenges, etc.) New things to add: - New rewards for meter milestones (i.e. Trait Points, X-Factor points) - Increase meter amount - New Meter (ideas?) - Requirements/challenges to become Captain or Alternate Captain (don't give the C to player right after they trade to a new team etc...) - Dialogue/Persuasion to name/change Captain and Alternate Captain - Allow player to have dialogue/persuasion attempts to influence teammate trades during off-season (please keep X player, linemate, goalie, etc.) - More GM dialogue/cut scenes - More Coach dialogue/cut scenes - More Teammate dialogue/cut scenes78Views0likes5CommentsThings to add for NHL 26 BAP
I think they should add real mid season events like, olympics, 4 nations, all star games, heritage classics, winter classics etc. they should re add being able to be sent down to ahl and be claimed off waivers, they should add being started in ECHL or AHL unless you earn your stay in the main roster, they should add starting in junior A leagues like BCHL or AJHL for example or NCAA. Add the ability to go undrafted or declare for later drafts for example 19 or 21 if you’re European player. Remove having conversations every day, maybe one a month with your head coach regarding play.18Views0likes1CommentNHL 25 Skating problem
Playing NHL 25 in BAP and my player will automatically back skate even with auto backskate off and I’m not pressing the L2 trigger. Is there a fix for this so it stops happening? It’s happening with other controllers as well and it’s not happening in NHL 24.824Views1like17CommentsBring NHL back to PC – Crossplay potential
Hello EA Sports NHL Team, I have been a loyal NHL fan since NHL 07 on PC. After that, I played every NHL game on PS3, PS4, and PS5, buying each new release. But now that I’ve switched to PC, I can’t play NHL anymore, and I really miss it. I truly believe NHL on PC has great potential, especially with crossplay. Many PC players want to play with their friends on consoles, both together in online clubs and against each other. If crossplay works in FIFA and NBA, why not in NHL? Eventually, it will have to happen, so why not now? By not releasing NHL on PC, you are losing dedicated fans who have simply moved to a better platform for graphics and performance. It’s frustrating that I can no longer enjoy NHL with my friends like before. My friend and I used to create an online club—me as a Center, him as a Goalie—and we had so much fun playing together. Now, I have no way to experience that, and I know I’m not the only one in this situation. I don’t want to buy a console just for NHL, and I don’t want to be forced to just watch others play while I sit out simply because I chose to game on PC. Please consider bringing NHL back to PC with full crossplay support. There is a demand for it, and many fans would love to see it happen. Thank you for your time.78Views1like8CommentsPlease completely re-do Be A Pro
The dialogue is atrociously awkward and does not fit, the insane goals your coach somehow puts on a rookie make zero sense (they’d never talk to a rookie like that, maybe a captain of the team). You can’t go after dudes after the play much and can’t start a fight without injuring someone. Coach expectations for positions make no sense. A 3rd line D man has the same expectations to carry the offense as a 1st line forward. “Hey I need you to score 3 points next game” and “get us a goal in this third period” when you get 2 minutes of ice time per game. Makes no sense. Finally, it feels like a completely different physics engine in there. My 6’2” 212 PWF with 90 strength and 85 balance gets bumped off the puck by anybody that touches him- this is not how the game feels in WOC or the other modes. The whole thing needs a re-do. It’s outdated and clunky and has become wickedly cheesy.58Views1like3CommentsIdeas for nhl 26 (my opinions)
First of you guys should add warmups to be a pro and any other modes to have the option you should add back line brawls (not like the bug in 25 that allows you can) also I want to fully break the glass I want it to completely shatter just like 14 and have a option for it also add the winter classic back!56Views1like2Comments