battlefield 4 you have lost connection to the session (2025)
Since last 24 hours a new issue has been occured - anytime i try to join server the "you have lost connection to the session" problem appearing during first minute (usually during load or first 10 seconds) I re-start routers choose other router+provider even tried "start a test range, shot one target and then join play server" nothing helped(( (PC, Steam-version)10KViews182likes243CommentsBattlefield 4 DDOS servers all over the world
"Dear Company" EA For a month now, people who have paid for game accounts, as well as people who buy servers from a hosting company, have not been able to enjoy their favorite game. Of course, we can claim damages, but we want a solution to the problem. Explain why you don't want to solve the problem? You have removed the queue on the server in an attempt to fix something. And now even a VIP player can't enter without queuing. Once again, we want to clarify, are you really a reliable company? Then here's another thing, the attacker is known it's known how he does it. We want a solution to the problem, and most importantly, by solving this problem, do not break what works. And as far as I remember, this problem is not new, it was already in 2018. I can throw all the data at you, but it's all freely available.178Views10likes4CommentsBattlefield 4 постоянная ошибка "соединение потеряно" (февраль 2025)
Проблема - примерно с прошлых выходных (15.02-16.02) перманентно выбивает ошибку "соединение потеряно" на абсолютно любом сервере. Ошибка появляется в течение первой минуты (обычно во время загрузки или первых 10 секунд). Я перезагружаю роутеры (есть два роутера на два разных провайдера) Пробовал соединение и через кабель и через wi-fi - ноль эффекта. Тем более что БФ 1 спокойно шла (пинг как и обычно с бф4 чуть больше 40) даже пробовал магический совет "запустить тестовый полигон, выстрелить в одну цель и затем присоединиться к игровому серверу" - ничего не помогло(( (ПК, Steam-версия, регион ЕС) Тут и на реддите есть уже несколько тем об этой проблеме. Много предположений что "все это" из-за какой-то хакерской/ддос атаки, но конкретики мало и как-то легче не стает1.1KViews14likes18CommentsBattlefield 4 Server Probleme
Was ist seit Tagen eigentlich los mit dem Spiel ? Man kann nicht mehr spielen weil man aus allen möglichen Servern ständig fliegt, und das ist nicht nur bei mir sondern auch bei vielen anderen Spielern aus anderen ländern. Ich glaube es gibt da ein Problem mit den Servern die in der EU sind. Kann das mal jemand bitte erklären ?587Views18likes34CommentsBF4 lost connection issue/problem (2025)
so, whats we know about the issue: 1. this is global and not some player-caused problem 2. disconnnection erasing all your expirience 3. attacks mostly targeting 64 player servers when it fully stacked 4. we can play somewhat freely only in specific time intervals during a day (from 6 pm in Europe), for around 7-9 hours P.S. 5. ZERO BF4 bloggers made a video about the issue.126Views3likes3CommentsBattlefield 4 lost connection.
So when are you gonna pull your heads out of the sand and fix your product? All these people paid for this game plus dlc/premium. EA is refusing to do anything about this and it makes them look pathetic. I wont buy the new release unless this is fixed. I wont even bother watching anything about the new release. I just dont care at this point. You have no good will with your community at all.Battlfield 4 Servers Issues
Almost a month from now, a problem occurred in the BF4 server, kicking every single player from the server, and no matter what you do, it won't work; you simply just can't play the game. But this problem is not present. 24 hours a day, there are certain hours when you can connect and play the game without a problem. Some people say it's a DDoS attack or something; we don't know what the actual problem is, but we do know that EA/Dice is not particularly concerned about this problem, and they don't care. They have the new Battlefield in the works with Battle Labs as well, so a 12-year-old game is not worth the effort; they don't care about the fan base for this game. Money is king they don't care about the fans.Battlefield 4 Constant "You have lost the connection to the session"
Hi, me and other players are constantly being disconnected to Battlefield 4 servers, in several countries, at several hours of the day, in several days. Dozens of users are reporting this problem on Steam forums and on game reviews on Battlefield 4 on Steam. I'm completely confident this is not a problem on my connection specifically, because when I go back to the server, EVERYONE was disconnected as well. I'm talking about 40 or 60 people playing on a server, and when I go back to it there are only 2 or 3 people (who just got back just as me). This is a problem with several different servers, on different countries. The game multiplayer is effectively unplayable on many times of day.154Views3likes5Comments