Problème pack qui ne s’ouvre pas boutique bloqué
Bonjours J’ai acheté un pack qui me donne un autre pack avec provision toty impossible de l’ouvrir la boutique ce ferme automatiquement. j’ai un sbc en cour que j’aimerais terminé a temp mais je ne peux pas ouvrir mais pack j’ai essayer de fermé le jeux et de le réouvrir ça ne change rien aidez moi ea svp !One player pack error
It makes players very frustrated as not everyone have the time to login the game in console frequently, but still want to open/purchase packs. However, when I opened a pack with and give me an one player pack and i can’t redeem it, both the Companion and Web App got this error and does not let me redeem the pack. Now I am less motivated to purchase store packs, or even play the game and open packs. Please find the screenshots of both apps attached, and I hope that today is the day it will be solved. More and more players are feeling annoyed about this, and your reputation will become even worse after having the already poor gameplay this year of FC 25. How can a problem not get fixed for ONE WHOLE WEEK?