Game is bad
What are yall doing bro. literally ruining your own game, absolutely ignoring your community, just got railed by 2 nessies in a fight i would have most definitely won if they didnt take away half my health, you all should look into different careers bc yall have absolutely NO clue what yall are doing27Views0likes2CommentsApex Legends Dying
The discussion feed just shows ppl are giving up on the game. No new legends, No new weapons, Arenas isn’t back, the Lore is destroyed. The game honestly destroyed everything it had going for itself and players are only leaving. Bring back what made the game unique. If you need any ideas just revisit the lore and make something. It’s your game.23Views0likes2CommentsLegends Coming back
I miss when the game had a lore and we received a new legend every season. It made the game fun and unique now it’s just a cash grab and they are changing things that don’t need to be changed. The game is getting worse. Just take rebuild the lore and return original characters to their selves upon launch. And stop nerfing recon legends into a grave. Especially Seer he’s useless now.A letter to the EA team (please read carefully)
Around November 30, 2023 I was practicing hard at the shooting range in APEX, and suddenly a ban message popped up. I couldn't believe this happened! From 2023 to now, I have tried countless ways to contact you, but you just mechanically told me that my account was cheated. May I ask, an account with 2,000 hours and thousands of dollars invested, what reason does he have to use a cheat to play this game? I checked my data and found no reason. This ban is wrong. I don't ask you to lift the sanctions on me. I ask you to look at what happened to me. I am just a player who loves this game. I am now heartbroken. I love it, but what have you done to me? It's been two years. This **bleep** sanction is still not investigated clearly. Just mechanically reply to me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !SolvedNemesis' hip shot accuracy is too trashy.
Nemesis' waist shot accuracy is too crazy bad and needs to be improved now. It's just not right, no matter what you think, when you have the enemy almost right in the middle of the reticle, but obviously the bullets fly almost the exact opposite direction and it's a rare case when they fly as per the reticle. It seems that recently Nemesis has been given a buff called “Accelerator”, but instead of this ridiculous enhancement, it would be better to improve the accuracy of the hip shot so that the bullet will fly in accordance with the reticle. Can't the development team understand that there should be no guns in FPS where most of the bullets do not fly as per the reticle and fly in some unexplainable direction when shot from the hip? The accuracy of this Nemesis hip shot is really too ridiculous and should be improved immediately. There should never be a gun where bullets hardly fly as per the reticle of the hip shot.99Views0likes1CommentEvent skin does not match icon
APEX LEGENDS IS DEAD. NOT A SINGLE LINK LEADS TO ANY LIVE SUPPORT. Nothing like them letting us know they really don't care anymore besides removing every single avenue for getting any real help from ea on anything apex related. Every single link loops back to community help or their "ea help ai beta" which once you ask a single question it can't answer it says, "ask another question i can actually help with" NO I NEED LIVE SUPPORT. Absolutely ridiculous. All started because I was rewarded an event skin (psychedelic surge prowler skin) that is broken and genuinely looks nothing like the thumbnail icon, proving its broken. Low and behold there's not a single active help link on any ea help page for apex legends. [CM - Edited title for CAPS, clarity]Solved112Views0likes1CommentRaptors Claw Flickering Inspect
Hi everyone I’ve recently unlocked the raptors claw heirloom and while using it I noticed that when u would spam the inspect animation while sprinting (as one does) there is this weird flashing/flickering effect that happens and is quite annoying. I’m not sure if this is normal or if it’s a issue with my settings etc I tried looking at YouTube videos of the heirloom and it’s hard to tell if they’re getting it as well or if it’s just a placebo since it’s such a quick frame Any insight would be appreciated and if there’s a way to get rid of it then that would be even better! Thanks!220Views0likes1CommentThe recoil of the mastiff no longer makes sense. If it was shooting 5 slugs
The recoil is meant to indicate firihg numerous high power objects like slugs and do a lot of damage buit that animation no longer makes sense now that the new dev team has reduced the damage of each pellet to 15. If its low damage it should be changed so it recoils less.99Views0likes0Comments