I can't take this anymore
Hello, Recently I have been trying to play this game and of course EA must find a way to make me hate them even more. Every time I play the game starts well and after 10 in game minutes, my players suddenly slow down and that's when I know that it I should quit because as soon as I lag that way I get a 2 second input delay and that 2 second input delay renders the game unplayable. I have reached out to EA help and they told me to post here. I deleted and reinstalled the game I have tried different connections (LAN and WIFI) and still nothing has changed. Please tell me how I can fix this.24Views0likes2CommentsCrash stadio inizio partita
È dagli ultimi due aggiornamenti che mi crasha il gioco ogni volta che inizio una partita in ultimate team che possa essere rivals champions ecc... non me lo fa con rush. Ho notato che mi crasha ogni volta che non gioco nello stadio ultimate team, me lo fa anche quando gioco co-op. non ce la faccio più non riesco ad andare avanti in rivals mi fa perdere tutte le partite che non inizio e a volte se non crasha all inizio della partita lo fa a fine partita anche se teoricamente l ho vinta mi crasha e me la dà persa. Mi sono veramente scocciato e nn è solo un mio problema ma di tanti. mi crasha anche quando vado nella sezione evoluzioni e a volte in rush quando seleziono un giocatore evo. sono veramente demoralizzato. Ho provato a cancellare i settaggi,i profili, gli aggiornamenti rose ,cambiare stadio, cancellare la rosa attiva e modificare tutto ciò che potevo fare prendendo spunto dai forum ma niente. sono esasperato di questo passo mi fate venire qualcosa per il troppo nervoso.ma è normale che questo gioco è pieno di bug e pensare che ho la ps5.spero facciate qualche aggiornamento mirato altrimenti credo sia l ultimo fifa che compro e passo all altro simulatore di calcio. C'è qualcosa che potrei fare per risolvere questa cosa? GraziePerformance Mode Bug on Sydney Servers (New-Gen Consoles)
There are many threads on this website and on Reddit highlighting that, since around the mid-season update last season, a lot of players on new-gen consoles are experiencing high packet loss randomly every three games. You just load into a trios game with packet loss always up to 17. A way to resolve this is to play on balanced mode (60fps) instead of performance mode (120fps). This issue is very frustrating, and when playing with such high packet loss, the game becomes unplayable. It is not just me—people who play on Sydney servers and are on next-gen consoles are suffering. Please, I beg you, Respawn developers, get around to it.101Views11likes4CommentsGame Freezes and kicks me out before I even get to play
This has been happening to me for weeks now, I have contacted support and ofc, no response. I am reaching out to the community because maybe other people are experiencing the problem. The game works fine except when I go into a game, I get to pick my jerseys and then I go in. It shows me the matchup and before going into it, completely freezes and then it says lost connection. I play on ps5 and I have a lan cable and really good wifi. This problem only happens to me when I’m at home and not at school. I know this isn’t a connection issue or a wifi issue as I have been actually been in games once every 100 tries. I don’t know if I’m IP banned or not I have checked numerous times. I would love some help ThanksThe EAAntiCheatService service terminated with the following error: %%4294901878
My game shuts down randomly, i have to start up the program atleast 3 times to get into Ultimate Team. After i'm finally in it sometimes let me play 1-2 games, but mostly crashes in the middle of the match at any point, in any game mode. It didn't display any error message, but i went and looked at the Event Viewer and saw the following error everytime the game crashed: The EAAntiCheatService service terminated with the following error: %%4294901878 Repaired the game multiple times, unistall/installed it, updated/unistalled/installed EAAntiCheatService multiple times, unistalled every previous games from it as well. shut down every other background task, checked the bios for Secure Boot but still the problem persist. It started to get worse in the last two days. Thank you in advance to any advice about this problemCrash on login screen after boot movie
APEX will start. After launching, a movie will play. It will force close at the login screen. As a solution, I tried deleting APEX and reinstalling it, but that did not resolve the issue. Additionally, I have tried reinstalling the OS, but that did not solve the problem. What can I do to be able to play APEX? Please let me know.3Views0likes0CommentsServers
Hey everyone, Has anyone been having issues with gameplay? Every time I start a game, it starts out well then after a few minutes in game I get a weird lag that slows down my players for a second and then I am stuck with a two second delay for the whole game (I quit at half-time because it is unbearable) . I play on LAN and pc. I don't lag on any other online game.