Soocoolsim's Showcase ⚜️
Hi everyone, welcome to my showcase thread! I started playing since the original Sims, love building in Sims 3 the most and am happy to see others still enjoying this version as well. It’s been heartwarming and inspirational to be an active part of the Sims community individually and as a member of the DNA request team. In the past several years it’s also been my pleasure to initiate / host / participate in several Sims 3 world build collaborations. No 3rd party custom content is used in my creations and they are play-tested and Custard checked before uploading. An aspect I really love is creating unique and themed builds, especially those that involve using CFE. The builds in my SIMS 3 STUDIO also include a wide range of architectural styles and blends. I do hope you enjoy my sharing as much as I enjoy building. MY LATEST RELEASES Feb 1/ 25 - St Louis Cathedral, Cabildo and Presbytere Aug 24/24 - Orient Express Part Three: Venice video tour Aug 17/24 - Bellissimo Giardino Centrale Aug 17/24 - Isola di San Michele Cemetery Aug 1/ 24 - San Michele Championship (Broom) Arena Aug 1/ 24 - Musee du Louvre July 29/24 - Palais Garnier Opera House July 26/24 - Tate Modern Art Gallery (shell) July 19/24 - Chiesa degli Scalzi From starters to huge split-level and multi-tiered mansions, single family to legacy builds, cute cottages to themed homes, a virtual treasure trove awaits. PART ONE / PART TWO Party-time, play-time, goth-time, fun-time! It's all sim-time with venues suiting every taste and style. 🌇 MAIN COMMUNITY BUILDS 🎭 LIVE SHOW VENUES & FILM STUDIOS 🎠 RIDES, POOLS, PARKS (🎢 rollercoaster, 🛶gondola,🐠 water, 🛝 play, 🏕️ pet) 💒 WEDDING & FUNERAL VENUES, CHURCHES & RESORTS 🏨 HOLIDAYS (🎄Christmas, 🎃 Halloween, 🐣 Other) SIMS (ethnic, fictional, look-alikes) / DISNEY, MOVIE & FAIRYTALE CHARACTERS / PETS THE ORIENT EXPRESS WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS An impressive world incorporating the Orient Express (murder mystery train) route, featuring popular landmarks, tourist sites and architecture from London, Paris and Venice with a side trip to the fictional Alpine region. Click on the YouTube playlist below for a virtual walkthrough of each destination including the Pullman Express, Venice-Simplon, Royal Scotsman and Alpine Express train cars. Visit The Orient Express thread for more information. The Orient Express Video Playlist Part One - London / Part Two - Paris / Part Three - Venice / Part Four - The Alpine Region --- oOo --- CAPE ALBACORE WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS A lovely and serene coastal world with many unique builds created by the community. Click on the YouTube playlist below for a virtual walkthrough of the five different areas: Beach / Farming & Lagoon / Downtown / Islands, Ports & Peninsula / Lighthouse, Mountain Loop & Mobile Homes. Visit the Cape Albacore thread for more information. Cape Albacore Video Playlist --- oOo --- MAGIC KINGDOM WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS Inspired by the real life Disney park and includes Adventureland / Bay Lake Area / Fantasyland / Frontierland / Liberty Square / Main Street and Tomorrowland. Click on the YouTube playlist below to see how close community creators represented each area. Visit the Disney Magic Kingdom thread for more information. Disney Magic Kingdom Video Playlist --- oOo --- OTHER VIDEOS * Cat Jungle speed build * Jurassic Waterpark virtual walkthrough * It’s a Small World greeting107KViews7likes1676CommentsAL MEDINA, MOROCCO-- IP Resort Finished!!! Download link included on 1st pg
Al Medina, Morocco For centuries, merchants, adventurers, kings, and even plunderers have trekked and lived in the dusty antique region of Al Medina. Today, the three cities of this desert pulsate with life; locals bustle through vibrant marketplaces, tourists luxuriate in Moroccan style, and the bravest of Sims venture through dangerous ancient structures hidden deep beneath endless dunes of sand. Exchange Download Link: Expansion Packs Required: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Pets, Generations, Showtime, Supernatural, University Life. No Stuff Packs Required! Expansion Lot for Island Paradise: The Royal Palm Resort Download Link: To place the resort lot, first download it from the exchange, then go in-game to Edit Town Mode. After that, delete the larger beach in the Foreign Quarter. Next, go to your community lot library and place the resort where the beach was, with the white pillars facing the sea and with the pool facing next to the wall. Compatible with Seasons. Recommended settings are: Summer: 14 days Fall: 7 days Spring: 7 days Winter: off For a more realistic experience, turn off snow, hail, and fog. CC free. Created by Zach_Bundy, Reachsims, xSorcier, Aminovas, Rukaya, Kerim99, Niac1234, and rchristison.78KViews1like1687CommentsDisney Magic Kingdom Community Collaboration! * COMPLETED
EDIT Apr 15/23 - THE WORLD IS COMPLETED ✅ soocoolsim, @Hidehi , romagi1 , Sandraelle , @seaben , @GraceyManor , @ToriFrancis , @ks0 , bekkasan , @LMC6255 , emorrill , @cymbline , StephSteb Well done everyone! Thank you for your wonderful contributions to this project. Your builds and sims have surpassed expectations and this collaboration will be a fond and special memory long after Sims 3 has faded. We've celebrated with a series of video walkthroughs! :D 🍿🌟 Full video playlist: Sims 3: Disney Magic Kingdom World Tours Playlist on YouTube Individual videos: Episode 1: Main Street Area - Part One Episode 2: Main Street Area - Part Two Episode 3: Bay Lake Area - Part One Episode 4: Bay Lake Area - Part Two Episode 5: Adventureland - Part One Episode 6: Adventureland - Part Two Episode 7: Frontierland Episode 8: Liberty Square Episode 9: Fantasyland - Part One Episode 10: Fantasyland - Part Two Episode 11: Tomorrowland (finale) Congrats to me1620 , the winner of our closing celebrations Trivia Challenge with a perfect score! "Sandraelle;c-18263370" wrote: Hello everyone! We figure that most people will probably want to pick and choose what lots they'd like to add to their Magic Kingdom World, but if you'd like a world with all the lots, I have created a world save with all the lots for you. It's missing two lots (see my note below). Depending on your computer specs, you may experience game crashes with a fully outfitted world. But if you have a powerful computer (I do not, lol), our hope is that it will run smoothly. Another option to minimize the size, is to split up the world into two world saves by having two copies and editing each world to your liking. Or if you have a mod, you may be able to make them vacation worlds, however, I'm not sure exactly how to do that. :# Just click on this zip file link to download the folder and place it in your "Electronic Arts/Sims 3/Saves" folder before launching your game. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't already have the empty base Disney Magic Kingdom world downloaded and installed on your computer, you will need to do that first before loading up your game with my world save, otherwise it won't load the save. You can find the link to the world on page 1. :) :) :) Happy simming!!!! Note: Since I don't own Midnight Hollow's Golden Ticket Toy Shop, I wasn't able to place two of the lots. Here are the links for those two builds so you can add them in yourself. Fantasia Emporium, 11 Main Street Auntie Gravity's Goodies, 107 Tomorrowland Required: Download MAGIC KINGDOM EMPTY BASE WORLD (created by Hidehi) Option A: Download your choice of individual BUILDS BY AREA - see posts for maps and links Entrance, Main Street, Hub Adventureland Frontierland Liberty Square Fantasyland Tomorrowland Bay Lake Area DISNEY CHARACTER SIMS (no cc) Option B: Download WORLD SAVE FILE INCLUDING ALL LOTS (except the two below which you need to download separately. Sims also need to be individually downloaded) Fantasia Emporium, 11 Main Street Auntie Gravity's Goodies, 107 Tomorrowland BACKGROUND ON THE PROJECT Welcome to the Sims 3 Disney Magic Kingdom Community Collaboration! Experience the magic of Disney as we invite you to collaborate in showcasing the talent within the Sims 3 community! Our launch on Oct 1/21 coincided with the official start of the Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary celebrations. This project began several months ago when sparky1922 expressed her hope to me soocoolsim of having a playable Disney world. This idea grew as the talented @Hidehi worked with my input and the official Disney map to create the Magic Kingdom world base. I think you'll agree that Hidehi did an awesome job, and we're hoping for your feedback as lots are added to ensure that world routing, etc works as intended. With the addition of Sandraelle and romagi1 to the planning team, this community collaboration to create the Magic Kingdom is now open for your participation! Apr 3/23 - EDIT! All lots have been claimed or accounted for so the rest of this post is no longer valid. Thanks to everyone who participated. Your submissions have brought this world ‘to life’. Thanks also to our supporters for your comments, likes and downloads. We have had a blast and hope you enjoyed being with us on this journey. Stay tuned for the grand finale to celebrate completion of this amazing project! So now onto the fine print! Here's a chance to express your creativity with choices from a wide range of building styles. The rules are pretty simple: CLAIMING GUIDELINES Take a look at the list of lots available using either the forum posts or online spreadsheet as reference. Indicate you're on board for the collab and sign up for your first claim by posting on this thread with your chosen lot and map reference #s. I will update the list with your claim (as well as the download / media links when completed). Every two weeks (approx the 1st and 15th of the month) a new sign-up period will begin. You may claim a new lot during each sign-up period after your build is completed - as long as you don't have more than two builds underway at a time. BUILDING GUIDELINES Map areas: The following posts list the world lots along with reference maps and a short description about each area. You can also view everything consolidated in the spreadsheet linked below. Thanks to Sandraelle for creating the reference maps. Optional! View the on-line Sims 3 Magic Kingdom spreadsheet (Lots on tab 1. Maps on tab 2): Community lots / Disney attractions: The intent is to replicate the exterior of the actual attractions as best as you can. The interior design is more flexible as you see fit for the use of the lot and Sims 3 game play. Please do stay with the overall theme of the area for the decor and include any special lot designation requirements. You can Google pictures of your claimed lot and we've also included some inspiration links below which may be helpful. Residential builds: Again, please stay with the general look and overall theme of the area including your chosen lot. You have creative freedom otherwise. No third-party Custom Content allowed — please Custard Check your lots before uploading to double check. Helpful notes All Expansion Packs OK for use. All Stuff Packs OK for use. All purchasable Store Items OK for use. Free Store items can be used if they can still be downloaded. Post link(s) to your lot download / media when available. You can also include a cover shot. INSPIRATION LINKS Interactive Disney Magic Kingdom Park map: MK Building Photos: Wikipedia info: Blueprints - WD Resorts Part 1: Blueprints - WD Resorts Part 2: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 1: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 2: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 3: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 4: Blueprints- Magic Kingdom Part 5: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 6: Magic Kingdom aerial tour: Picture tours by section WORLD TESTERS If building is not quite up your alley and you much prefer playing or testing, you can also participate by downloading the world and lots at they become available. We would greatly appreciate feedback on any positive experiences or concerns you may experience as the world gets populated. At this stage, we do not plan to provide a completed world. It is up to players to download and populate as desired when builds become available. Once the world is full / almost full we may provide a game save file, but first things first... to create the lots 😀 Feb 9/22 - New opportunity! This is mainly for those folks who love to decorate but find building daunting. See page 14 for available shells. Now it works! Post your claim on this thread (Map #, Ref #) and download the relevant shell. Decorate as you wish using the following guidelines. In the final lot description, we request you keep the credit to the shell creator. Upload your completed build and circle back here with the link(s) to your file and (optional) screenshots. Residential shell décor guidelines No budget limitations! All EPs, SPs, store items allowed. No 3rd party CC allowed. For the exterior... You can change the colours of the siding, roofing and flooring and move/delete/add windows and doors. Create your own landscaping as you wish including adding/modifying driveways, gardens, etc. For the interior... You have free rein to modify everything! Window, door or wall in the way of your fab design? No worries... just move or delete it. Want to switch a bedroom to a study? Go right ahead... the power is with you to change the layout as you see fit. STARTER HOMES Several lots have been designated for building starter homes. Of course, other appropriate lots can be used to create a starter. Check with a planning team member if uncertain. EDIT Oct 9/22 - All designated starter homes completed! Visit this post on page 12 for the list of builds. SPIN-OFFS Players are encouraged to share links to their Disney Magic Kingdom in game stories. Please touch base with soocoolsim via PM with your blog / story link(s) for approval by the planning team. Visit this post to read stories submitted by DMK world players. Visit this post to find links to NO CC Disney character sims available for download. NOTES FOR CREATORS62KViews1like1802CommentsOrient Express world collaboration
WORLD BASE / WORLD BUILDS by Destination / TRAINS & TRAIN STATIONS / WORLD MAPS Background PARTICIPATING CREATORS iAMciane, Sandraelle , romagi1, Jessabeans , soocoolsim , suzses , HollownessDevourr , BreeMiles , KarilynMonroe2 , Hidehi2 , 60smusicluvr , seaben , fxchrfxchr , equuest LATEST BUILDS & NEWS! Oct 7/24 - Il Parco d'Angolo by suzses Oct 7/24 - Piscina di Pratica (pool) by Jessabeans & suzses Sept 8/24 - The Orient Express Playlist (4 videos) released Sept 8/24 -🌺Part Four: The Alpine Region video tour released Aug 31/ 24 - Rialto Bridge by soocoolsim Aug 24/24 - 🌺Part Three: Venice video tour released Aug 24/24 - Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana by Hidehi Aug 24/24 - Ca'd'Oro Appartamento by Hidehi Aug 24/24 - Landscaped rabbitholes - see NEW! builds under Venice Aug 24/24 - Palazzo Ducale by Hidehi Aug 24/24 - Several boat docks - see NEW! builds under Venice Aug 24/24 - Starter Duplex Venice by KarilynMonroe2 Aug 24/24 - The Artist's Lofts by HollownessDecor (shell) & KarilynMonroe2 (decor) Aug 17/24 - Isola di San Michele Cemetery by soocoolsim Aug 17/24 - Isola di San Michele Dock by soocoolsim Aug 17/24 - San Michele Funeral Boat (supernatural hangout for dock) by soocoolsim Aug 17/24 - Isola di San Michele Bell Tower by soocoolsim Aug 17/24 - Bellissimo Giardino Centrale by soocoolsim Aug 16/24 - Fontego del Turchi by KarilynMonroe2 Aug 3/24 - 🌺Part Two: Paris video tour released Aug 3/24 - Porto di Venezia by Sandraelle Aug 3/24 - Hotel Danieli by Sandraelle Aug 1 /24 - San Michele Championship Arena by soocoolsim Aug 1 /24 - Musee du Louvre by Jessabeans & soocoolsim July 30/24 - Le Supermarche and Cafe by Jessabeans & Sandraelle July 30/24 - Champ de Mars Metro by Sandraelle July 30/24 - Paris Outskirts Metro by Sandraelle July 29/24 - Palais Garnier Opera House by soocoolsim July 28/24 - London Movie Theater by KarilynMonroe2 July 28/24 - The Elephant by KarilynMonroe2 July 28/24 - Procuratie San Marco by Jessabeans & KarilynMonroe2 July 28/24 - Paradiso Souvenir by KarilynMonroe2 July 28/24 - Casa Venezia by KarilynMonroe2 July 28/24 - Carnivale Dei Bambani by KarilynMonroe2 July 27/24 - Final World Base file available! July 25/24 - ✅London and The Alpine Regions are complete! See destination list for individual links to builds July 24/24 - Trafalgar Square and Docklands Tube Stations by Sandraelle July 24/24 - ✅Final World Maps available July 23/24 - Royal Scotsman Stateroom Car #2 by Sandraelle July 23/24 - 🌺Part One: London video tour released July 23/24 - Landscaped rabbitholes - see NEW! builds under London July 22/24 - Riverside Flats by Sandraelle July 19/24 - Chiesa degli Scalzi by soocoolsim YouTube video walkthrough - Part One: London YouTube video walkthrough - Part Two: Paris YouTube video walkthrough - Part Three: Venice NEW! YouTube video walkthrough - Part Four: The Alpine Region NEW! Full YouTube Video Playlist (all 4 videos) RECOMMENDED SORT FOR VIEWING REPLIES: Newest26KViews10likes1868CommentsSims 3 Household Exchange
This thread is a place for people to share their Sims 3 Households, that we know are clean, and free from custom content that may cause issues in other people's games. Most user made worlds are unpopulated, and creating dozens of sims or families to fill these worlds can be a tedious experience. Sometimes you just want to get in there and play. Alternatively, people might want a fresh new batch of sims, or maybe you just might like to show off pictures of what other people's sims are getting up to in your game. Here you can post links to households for others to download. Households can be in sims3pack form, or, you can simply take the household file from the Library folder in the Documents / Sims 3 directory and share that. Sims3packs are, of course, installed through the launcher. Households in package form are dropped directly into the Library folder of your Documents / Sims 3 directory. Sharing the library file also lessens the risk of any CC tagging along. If you're using sims3packs please make sure that you scan them with Custard beforehand, to check that there is no custom content attached. To ensure than everyone can download, at this time please lets just create sims and households using base game items and traits only. No custom content or create-a-pattern please. Households can be uploaded to the exchange, if they're clean, or to places like MediaFire,, DropBox or SimFileShare ( if you know someone with a code, or are prepared to wait for account authorisation ) It's not a requirement, but perhaps include a screenshot of your household that you're sharing, and maybe their backstory if they have one. ( Please don't quote pictures in the thread responses. ) Edit - I've asked @SimGuruDrake to sticky the thread so it doesn't get lost and is easily accessible for both old and new players.23KViews5likes128Comments🌟 Cape Albacore World Collaboration - Completed!
CAPE ALBACORE WORLD COLLABORATION - COMPLETED Feb 25/24! ADDING CAPE ALBACORE TO YOUR GAME First download the Cape Albacore empty world base created by @Hidehi Then, either... Download and install the individual lots - see list and links in the Map Area posts below, OR Install the game save file - see links and instructions below "Sandraelle;c-18356138" wrote: Hi everyone! Wow, I can't believe we've completed all the lots for this Cape Albacore collaboration. That went fast and what fun it was!! We're figuring that most people like to customize their worlds and place just the lots that they choose to have in it, however, you may wish to have a complete Cape Albacore world with every single lot pre-placed in it. If so, then you're in luck, as I have created a world save file for you. :) VERY IMPORTANT: You will first need to download and install the empty base Cape Albacore world for my world save file to work. If not installed on your computer yet, here is the download link. After installing an empty world, just click on this zip file link to download the folder and place it in your “Electronic Arts/Sims 3/Saves” folder before launching your game. Have fun in Cape Albacore! WORLD BUILDS SHOWCASE VIDEO TOURS 🍿🌟 The Lighthouse Area Part 2 - The Downtown Area Part 3 - Beach, Farming and Lagoon Areas Part 4 - Mountain Loop and Mobile Home Areas Part 5 - The Islands, Ports and Peninsula (finale) CAPE ALBACORE SIMS We welcome submission of Sims to go with your claimed build. Do note that like the builds, we ask that creators not use any third-party custom content. Then submit the download link along with Cover and Custard shots when available. You can additionally link to media / put additional pictures within spoilers. See the post below for submissions. CAPE ALBACORE STORIES & LET’S PLAY We love to see our builds and sims in the world. Feel free to share links to your blogs for all to enjoy. See the post below for submissions. 😀 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS @Charlottekn , @chojrak , @ciane , @fatness1974 , @Hidehi , @IdahoGal65 (cheeseweasel) , @ks0, @LMC6254 , @Sandraelle , @soocoolsim , @texansky MOBILE HOME DESIGN CHALLENGE This challenge has closed and the Winners announced! Check out the Map F post for more information!23KViews1like1091CommentsThe Sims 4 - Dynamic Developers - Weekly Build Challenges Welcome to Dynamic Developers. We are a building community that enjoys creating rooms, lots, and sims based off of a theme. Everyone is welcome to enter and participate. We will be doing a mixture of room builds as well as lot builds and you will have the option of creating a sim to go along with the build. Our themes run Sunday to Sunday and a new theme will be posted every Monday. If you have any questions please feel free to tag me in your post. If you would like to join the monthly building challenge click here. Custom content is not allowed in these challenges. bb.moveobjects , bb.showhiddenobjects , bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement are all allowed. 1 entry per person per challenge. Please use #DD #DynamicDevelopers in your build's description if you upload your build to the gallery. These challenges are for fun, so please be respectful and have fun building. Please copy and paste this into your post. -Information- Challenge Number: Origin ID: Gallery Name Of Build: Gallery Link: Additional Notes: -Images- Street View: Top View: (show the layout) Additional Images: The 80's Ended On 11/5/17. The Dining Room Ended On 11/12/17. The Fairy House Ended On 11/19/2017. The Coastal Bathroom Ended On 11/26/2017. The Man Cave Ended On 12/3/2017. The Pet House Ended On 4/8/2018. The Pool Party Ended On 4/15/2018. The Glam Apartment Ended On 7/28/2019. The Log Cabin Ended On 8/4/2019. The Fruit Room Ended On 8/11/2019. The Yoga Studio Ended On 8/18/2019. The Florist Shop Ended On 8/25/2019. The Off The Grid Room Ended On 9/1/2019. The Pizzeria Ended On 9/8/2019. The Magic Room Ended On 9/22/2019.21KViews1like863CommentsSweet SIMtember Homemade Gift Exchange -- CLOSED **waves** Hello :) Looking forward to a Sweet SIMtember? I know I am!!! Sweet SIMtember? What’s that? I’m glad you asked! It’s a Sims 3 only homemade gift exchange and is CC Free! Interested? SIMTASTIC!!! Please read on … A warm thank you goes to aricarai for her help (again!) because A-Squared simply wouldn’t be the same without her!!! This is a SECRET EXCHANGE. Please do not reveal your Buddy until the gifting period. It’s a lot of fun wondering who has whom and what they are making! Certain communication will only be done via private messages so each Buddy will need to check his/her Inbox on a regular basis. New & Returning Buddies: Please read the accompanying posts as changes have been made since the last gift exchange! Checklist: Be a Buddy! Use the Buddy Form Letter found in the 4th post. Chat & ask generic questions in the thread. For specific questions concerning gifts & such, please send me a PM. Follow the Rules (3rd post) & note the Important Dates (2nd post). During gifting time, leave compliments & click the “Recommend It”/Like button. Above all, Have FUN!!! BIG Hugs! Addy Here is the link to the previous gift exchange, in case you’re interested: Fall Fun Homemade Gift Exchange Important Dates Rules Buddy Form Letter Buddy Letters Gift Pile Another Gift Pile FAQs Helpful Links17KViews1like643Comments