Cross-Progression delete my account (I still couldn't get it back)
Hello, i need help, my account was deleted when I unlinked the Playstation account (level 497) and linked it to my ea account where I had my PC progress. I did this when EA announced the crossprogression on Twitter, and automatically when I did that I couldn't play anymore on my Playstation account (the game didn't load the battle pass, it didn't have skins, or statistics, and I didn't have unlocked characters either, just I had the level), then I waited for the cross progression to arrive to see if the error was solved, but when they gave me the crossprogression I only had the level of the PC account (level 21), and I did not have any skin, I waited until able to unlink the Playstation account (I unlinked it on February 5) and relinked the Playstation account to this EA account, which was the main one. When I opened the game I had absolutely nothing, no level, no skins, no statistics, I really had nothing, just the bloodhound bundle skin and the coins from the bundle. idk how to solve this, i loss my account like 1 year ago and still dont have it30Views0likes2Commentsi can't move to another tab from play tab and challenge is not recorded.
プレイタブから別のタブに移動できません。 たとえば、プレイタブからイベントタブ、パスタブなどです。 また、チャレンジの進行状況が録されません。 バトルパスを購入したのであと数日、このシーズンのうちにクリアしたいのですが、できません。 再起動を試み、再インストールし、チャットサポートにも尋ねました。(ここを紹介されました) しかしなお、問題は解決していません。 解決方法を教えてください。(PS5を使っています) i can't move to another tab from play tab. for exanple, play tab to event tab, to pass tab and so on. And the progress of the challenge is not recorded. I want to complete it in a few days since I have purchased the Battle Pass, but I can't. i tried to restart,reinstall and asked to chat support. but there is issue on my game. Please tell me how to solve it. (i always play APEX on PS5)52Views0likes6Comments