My family is gone but still in the game?
Hi, I have a problem. I was playing the sims 2 and something happened. I wanted to reverse it, so I closed the game without saving, but when i tried playing it, the game was saved. So i tried to do I don’t even know what… by taking out the lot and the characters out of the folder of the neighborhood. Then I tried putting them back but it doesn’t show anywhere in the game. The lot or the characters, like they’re gone. I thought I lost it so I started new family, but then one of the sims from my „lost” family appeared on the street. I was looking through all of the neighborhoods and I can’t find them, but they are still in the game. How can I get them back?3Views0likes0CommentsThe Sims 2 Legacy Bugs Ilha Twikkii e Loading
Antes da atualização já apresentava bugs no hotel da ilha como, meus sims não conseguiam jantar no restaurante do hotel depois de sentar. Simplesmente apareciam do nada em pé e não conseguiam pedir nada, assim então fechei o jogo e não abri desde então. Depois da atualização, persiste o mesmo problema e mais, está com erro de loading infinito para ir pra outro lote, mas parece que o dia continua passando por causa dos sons e da câmera de eventoThe Sims™ 2 Kolekcja Tradycyjna nie działa :((
Witam mam duży problem z grą Sims 2 . Kupiłam te grę na steamie w zestawie z sims 1 i w pewnym momencie rozgrywki wywala mi grę i nie da się grać. Pomocy błagam ! Bardzo chcę grać dalej moją rodzinką 😭 W załączniku jest treść błędu160Views2likes5CommentsThe sims 2 error
Hej, Po przedwczorajszej aktualizacji podczas rozgrywki najczęściej jeśli sim wykonuje interakcje wpływające na entuzjazm wyskakuje log z błędem. Sim nie może być porwany przez UFO, bo albo się sam resetuje albo wyskakuje log, który ścina cały filmik. Szukałam dużo informacji po forach i nie jestem jedyną osobą z tym błędem, jednak brak jakiegokolwiek rozwiązania. Mam CC które zostało sprawdzone przez programy: 1) What caused this 2) HCDUPlus I żaden log nie wykrył modu kolidującego, czy to wina EA po aktualizacji? Posiadam mody tylko na wygląd Simów ewentualnie domy. -Wrzuciłam stary save przed aktualizacją, błąd występuje. -Wywaliłam cały folder Downloads, błąd występuje. -Napraw grę nic nie zmienia. Jakieś sugestie? #TheSims2Legacy #TheSims2 #2025Solved57Views0likes3CommentsPROBLEM Z ROZGRYWKĄ
Wysłałam rodzine na wakacje gdzies tam poszli na jakas parcele i chcialm zeby wrocili do hotelu, i jedyne co teraz mam to ekran ladujacy i to ciagle tylko to, wylaczalam i wlaczalam gre, naprawialam ja jak mi pisali na chacie pomocy EA ale nadal problem jest pomoże ktos??? BO KAZALI MI SIE TU ODEZWAC bo oni zrobili WSZYSTKO CO MOGA XD15Views0likes0CommentsSims 2 Dziedzictwo
Cześć, 31 stycznia kupiłam Sims 2 i wszystko bez problemu działało. Dzisiaj włączyłam znowu i pojawiła mi się aktualizacja, która miała pomóc osób, którym to nie działało. Nie wiem, czy im pomogła, ale teraz mi nie działa. Pojawia się komunikat już przy wczytywaniu gry: Działanie programu zostało zakłócone. Aplikacja zostanie zamknięta. Czy ktoś wie, jak to naprawić? Przed aktualizacją tego nie było. Ma być jakaś nowa, która teraz naprawi tym, który ostatnia wszystko popsuła?25Views0likes0CommentsThe Sims™ Legacy and The Sims™ 2 Legacy Patch Notes (Patch 2)
Sul Sul, Simmers! We hope you’ve been having a great time celebrating all of the Birthday festivities! We’re plugging away at reports of technical issues that some players have encountered in The Sims and The Sims 2. Thank you for your support and continued reporting efforts via the official EA Forums, it really helps us identify and resolve issues. -The Sims Team For the most current bug updates, please visit The Sims Franchise forums here. February 4, 2025 patch notes are viewable here. February 6, 2025 Patch Notes: The Sims Fixed Issues: A memory issue could lead to various unexpected behaviors after playing for a period of time (random crashes, sluggish performance, missing objects, etc) The mood level arrows and mood bars had visual artifacts in some cases The mouse scroll wheel could take a lot of clicks to zoom Some players were encountering a “Vulkan device” error at launch The Sims General Notes: There are some hardware configurations that we are seeing a disproportionate number of errors on and are actively investigating. Systems based on Intel ARC GPUs, Snapdragon laptops with Qualcomm Adreno X1-85 GPU, NVIDIA T600 GPU laptops are being investigated Users that have experienced problems with getting an error indicating a lack of Vulkan compatible devices have reported that in some cases removing "OpenCL™, OpenGL®, and Vulkan® Compatibility Pack" can resolve the issue. When you want to import Sims or Houses, the game could look in the wrong directory to find them. You can now work around this by placing them in “Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/UserData/Import” We are investigating an issue where traveling between worlds can result in crashes in some situations The Sims 2 Fixed Issues: Addressed some situations related to the error “Some needed files were corrupted during the installation” Addressed some situations where the game could terminate with a pop-up message when creating a family or when entering a pre-made lot The game could get stuck on the color swap tool The Sims’ voices could be of low quality The Sims’ voices could be very quiet The custom skin window couldn’t be closed in some cases The “Graphics Rules.sgr” file was missing a rule that could cause “D3D” error messages During the Alien Abduction cutscene, sometimes audio could drop out and a Sim could reset Sims could be unable to eat cooked food The game could sometimes present a loading screen that could not progress Sims could sometimes disappear The Sims 2 General notes: In some cases, issues that have been addressed might have corrupted game saves before they were addressed (e.g. when Sims could disappear). In these cases you should try starting with a fresh save as the game won’t be able to correct the corruption, and working with corrupted saves can lead to unexpected behavior. While the Alien Abduction scene now works, the scene is still missing the alien baby. We’re working on that. In the meanwhile you will have the alien baby in the game once the scene is done. Some players have tried using Windows shortcut keys to move the full-screen game to another monitor. When in full screen mode the game should not be moved to another monitor or this may cause issues. While some issues may not be listed here, they may still be in the process of being addressed. Some topics can require an extended investigation on our end, so even though these fixes may be in active review, it’s not a guarantee that we’ll have an immediate fix for it in the upcoming patch. Please continue to share and report any issues on our forums, and join our official Discord community for tips, tricks, and news! Dag dag! The Sims Team688Views0likes0Comments