An Important Update From The Sims Legacy Team
Sul Sul Simmers! We recognize some fans are currently experiencing various issues with The Sims: Legacy Collection and The Sims 2: Legacy Collection. We are currently investigating these issues and hope to have more information on fixes soon. To help with our investigations, please ensure you're including screenshots, videos, dxdiags, and (for TS1) vulkaninfo.exe files in your bug reports.16KViews59likes0CommentsThe Sims 25th Birthday Bundle Release Notes for The Sims and The Sims 2
The Sims Release Notes Sul Sul Simmers! We hope you’re in the mood to travel back to the year 2000 with us to celebrate the launch of The Sims! To celebrate with you, we’ve brought The Sims and all packs up to date to make it work more easily with Windows 10 and 11! Revisit your favorite packs or finally play that one you haven’t tried yet. This release does a lot under the hood to make this 25 year-old game work on your new computer. We thought we’d also make it easier to see all those classic pixels on your monitor! To scale the game to make better use of the screen space available, try using the Alt + Enter key combination to cycle through the different scaling options. The bulk of the work was to make the first The Sims game compatible with Windows 10/11 from the moment you install it. There are things that you’ll immediately see: Game now supports the aspect ratio your monitor is set to (not restricted to 4:3) Different aspect ratios, such as 16:9, gives a wider view of the game Crisper rendering and visual fidelity from changing how the game scales textures Fixed several crashes Improvements and fixes When The Sims launches it will automatically use the aspect ratio of the main monitor. Unfortunately you can’t change the aspect ratio directly, but you can direct The Sims to launch on a second monitor with a different aspect ratio by using the -monitor:[num] command (“0” is the default monitor). We hope you’ll enjoy returning to The Sims’ neighborhoods, Vacation Island, Downtown, Studio Town & Magic Town to spend time with all the classic Sims and Sims families as much as we did. Enjoy encountering Bella, Bonehilda, Chip, Miss Crumplebottom and the rest. Dag dag! The Sims 2 Release Notes Sul Sul Simmers! Put down that grilled cheese sandwich and get ready for a trip down memory lane to 2004 with us! We’ve revived The Sims 2 and most of its packs to work easily with Windows 10 and 11! Please note that modern licensing restrictions have required the removal of 1 pack and some of the original songs, but we have included as many as possible. We thought we’d also make it easier to see all those classic pixels on your monitor! To scale the game to make better use of the screen space available, try using the Alt + Enter key combination to enter and leave full-screen mode. Enjoy that glorious widescreen The Sims 2 view! There are a few more updates as well to look out for: GraphicsRules.sgr now supports modern hardware configurations Fixed a shadow bug that surrounded Sims with a big black square Wide screen and higher game resolutions are now supported UI scales better to higher resolutions Texture memory corruption and “pink soup” are fixed Dragging The Sims 2 window from one monitor to another works more smoothly If your computer has a lot of RAM, The Sims 2 is able to use it Fixed several crashes Improvements and fixes We hope you’ll enjoy returning to the Belladonna Cove, Desiderata Valley, Riverblossom Hills, Pleasant View, Strangetown, & Veronaville! Spend time with all the classic Sims and Sim families. The Goths, Greenmans, Smiths, Monty/Capps and more are ready to come back to your screen from 21 years ago. Dag dag!33KViews19likes0CommentsThe Sims™ Legacy and The Sims™ 2 Legacy Patch Notes
Sul Sul, Simmers! We hope you’ve been enjoying revisiting The Sims and The Sims 2! It’s been super exciting seeing all the joy and enthusiasm from our community for these classic games. We’ve also been focused on the reports of technical issues that some players have had, and have been diligently working to address them. We wanted to say thank you to the community for sharing your detailed reports via the forum to help us improve these games. The Sims Legacy Team: – For the most current bug updates, please visit The Sims Franchise forums here. February 4, 2025 Patch Notes: The Sims Fixed Issues: Alt+Tab or Alt+Enter can sometimes cause a crash Alt+Enter can sometimes cause the Windows title bar to be hidden Alt+Enter can sometimes not toggle between full screen and windowed modes On some systems, The Sims can appear to launch and then immediately exit (no splash screen displayed) The Sims should now launch in most situations In some cases where there is an underlying graphics issue, The Sims will display a message Some players are unable to click on various parts of the neighborhood map The travel screen, when traveling between neighborhoods/worlds, can sometimes appear garbled or glitched The Sims might crash if you are not on the default neighborhood, interact with another Sim, and then save When using Alt+Enter to cycle window and zoom sizes, the HUD could be clipped. At this zoom level, The Sims will now instead clip from the top of the screen. In some situations in windowed mode the title bar might not be visible The Family friends counter could sometimes not be visible The Sims General Notes: Several players have had problems (e.g. walls, floors, objects not showing up; game not launching; other oddities) that are addressed by updating graphics drivers to the latest versions. Please make sure your drivers are up to date. The Sims game window is of a fixed size that can’t have its basic properties changed after it has launched. Moving the window from a monitor to another with a different, lesser resolution can lead to unexpected results, possibly even crashes. If you want to run The Sims on that second monitor please use the option “-monitor:<num>” to force it to launch on the other monitor. “0” is your primary monitor, a second monitor is “1” and so on. We are investigating adding this as a menu option in the future. In some situations, players have noted that music only plays in Live mode. Please check your computer sound options and make sure that everything is properly configured (e.g. on a 5.1 surround system make sure that your center speaker is functioning). You might be prompted to “Enable the help system” every time you return to a house. This is the game trying to have you complete the tutorial. This will continue to happen until you complete the tutorial. The Sims 2 Fixed Issues: Alt-Tab or Alt+Enter can sometimes cause a crash Some players on EA App received an error message indicating that certain needed files were corrupt The game would sometimes crash after creating a family The game sometimes launched at a small resolution (800x600) and then scaled that small format to fill the entire monitor In certain situations the game will launch and then immediately show a “DirectX” error, requiring use of the “-w” option to work around the problem Sometimes a Sim (or multiple Sims) would disappear after the player moves to another lot or neighborhood, or after leaving and rejoining the game despite saving Sometimes non-adult Sims (children, pets) would disappear Some interactions that result in a transferable reward (e.g. a dog returns from work) can cause the game to crash Addressed some infinite loading screen issues The Sims 2 General notes: Several players have had problems that are addressed by updating graphics drivers to the latest versions. Please make sure your drivers are up to date. Remember that the “boolProp testingCheatsEnabled” cheat will cause the game to periodically show various dialogue boxes with debugging information in them. The cheat is working as expected. We are investigating an issue where during certain cinematic events (such as Alien Abduction), the Sim can be reset and the event fails. While we are investigating this, you can work around the issue by making certain there are no other Sims on the lot to observe the event. While some issues may not be listed here, they may still be in the process of being addressed. Some topics can require an extended investigation on our end, so even though these fixes may be in active review, it’s not a guarantee that we’ll have an immediate fix for it in the upcoming patch. Thank you for playing these games that are such a storied part of our history – starting 25 years ago! Please continue to share and report any issues on our forums, and join our official Discord community for tips, tricks, and news! Dag dag, The Sims Team3KViews8likes0CommentsBłąd w The Sims 2 Pełna Kolekcja
Cześć, kupiłam kolekcje The Sims 2, ale w trakcie grania wyskakuje błąd “działanie programu zostało zakłócone” po czym gra zostaje przerwana. Naprawiałam pliki klikając napraw w oknie EA, ale błąd dalej się pokazuje. Czy mogłabym prosić o jakąś pomoc, może ktoś wie jak temu zaradzić?260Views5likes5CommentsThe Sims 2 Edycja Tradycyjna (Steam) - Działanie programu zostało zakłócone...
Witam , gra zakupiona 31.01.25r. , od razu jak gra pojawiła się na Steam. Po 90 minutach grania wyskoczył błąd "Działanie programu zostało zakłócone. Aplikacja zostanie zamknięta" , po każdym ponownym uruchomieniu gry po 5 minutach wyskakuje tam sam błąd i zamyka grę. Zapłacono za grę w którą nie da się grać... . Wie ktoś może jak pozbyć się tego problemu ?Solved307Views3likes12CommentsProblem z uruchomieniem gry
Cześć! Przy próbie uruchomienia gry wyskakuje mi komunikat o braku karty graficznej pracującej w standardzie DirectX 9.0c ( zrzut w załącznikach). Mam kartę graficzną NVIDIA geforce gtx 1650 i wszystkie aktualne sterowniki (aktualizowane dzisiaj). Próbowałam również pobrać DirectX 9.0c osobno (zalecone przez technika na czacie EA), ale komunikat dalej wyskakuje. Jest ktoś w stanie wytłumaczyć laikowi co z tym zrobić, żebym mogła uruchomić grę za którą zapłaciłam? XD334Views3likes3CommentsThe Sims™ 2 Kolekcja Tradycyjna nie działa :((
Witam mam duży problem z grą Sims 2 . Kupiłam te grę na steamie w zestawie z sims 1 i w pewnym momencie rozgrywki wywala mi grę i nie da się grać. Pomocy błagam ! Bardzo chcę grać dalej moją rodzinką 😭 W załączniku jest treść błędu162Views2likes5Commentserros the sims 1 e 2
comprei o pacote ontem (1 de fevereiro de 2025) THE SIMS 1 o the sims 1 não abriu de jeito nenhum. tentei de tudo limpar o cache na opção do próprio programa EA Play, desinstalei e reinstalei o jogo, excluí a pasta, reparei o jogo... nada funciona. ele abre rapidamente uma tela de carregamento (o mesmo que faz quando abre o the sims 2) e só. aparece nos processos do computador o app EA sobrecarregando o sistema, mas o jogo nunca abriu. THE SIMS 2 quanto ao the sims 2, joguei um pouco mais hoje (2 de fevereiro de 2025) e já reparei algumas coisas diferentes ou erradas, conforme fui jogando parece que os erros acumulavam. ao cozinhar não aparece nada no fogão, ela terminou de assar massa doce no forno e o prato não apareceu, o forno ficou aberto. ao cozinhar macarrão com queijo só se ouve o barulho da água fervendo, não há nada no fogão e a sim fica se resetando sozinha não concluindo o preparo da refeição, que aparentemente ainda está no fogão pois o barulho continua. por sorte consegui envia-la pra fora de casa e vendi o fogao. fiz uma viagem para Twikki, ela desejava uma excursão, fiz três vezes excursões diferentes e em momentos diferentes, mas o desejo nunca foi atendido ela pagou pela aula de massagem com pedras quentes, mas nao consta o aprendizado ela cumprimentou os habitantes locais e ambos eram resetados sozinhos, retornando ao estado de estranhos/ não conhecidos, não conseguindo fazer outras interações sociais mais avançadas como conversar, repeti o cumprimento diversas vezes e o mesmo erro aconteceu me impedindo de aprender os gestos locais, a dança, entre outros como disse os erros/ bugs foram se acumulando e tive que sair do jogo sem salvar, pois ninguém se mexia e não abria nenhuma opção do menu