A play mode like SQUAD and HLL?
Do you think a more tactical mode in the style of Warfare like Hell Let Loose with a class system with limited choices could work in Battlefield? (For example in Hell Let Loose you can have only two snipers per team with two scouts, one engineer per squad, one machine gunner per squad etc.) I wouldn't push the simulation side as much as Squad or HLL... for example, I would leave the possibility of piloting tanks or aerial vehicles to any player without having to choose a pilot class. I would be curious to see this system but in a less simulative game like Battlefield. And my idea is not to remove the conquest and rush mode from the game but just add an additional mode with a different mentality. Although I love Rush and conquest, I find that sometimes playing in matches full of snipers who do not play the objective ruins the game mode. So, do you think a mode like that would work on Battlefield or is just a bad idea?Next Battlefield Cross play
First of all, I would like to say that I am not at all against crossplay on games, but I find that Battlefield 2042 had the worst Crossplay system that I have seen and in my opinion and in a certain way it brought a division between players and I explain myself. In BF 2024 you practically divided the players into 4 groups. Because if on Xbox I remove crossplay, then I am separated from PC players, PS5 players and Xbox players who have crossplay active. I think in the settings by Default, Crossplay is should be only Console Vs Console. A casual gamer probably won't play in the settings and might not even know that he has the choice to enable and disable cross play... and facing PC players as a casual gamer might be more difficult, because yes, Battlefield gives an advantage to keyboard and mouse players... having played it on Console and PC I saw a big difference. And in other side, a more hardcore player who want to play against PC or with their PC friends will probably know how to change the settings. Crossplay against PC players should be a choice and not mandatory. Lots of consoles players want to play only Console Vs Consoles (Xbox - Ps5 together). Also, the Crossplay activation and disactivation should be clear and easy to find. One idea that comes to mind is how Rainbow Six Siege implemented Crossplay on their game and I find their system perfect. Consoles vs Consoles \ Pc vs Pc \ Or all of them together. Again, is only my opinion, but I really think the Crossplay system should be reworked. But for me, if the system remain the same, for sure I will not buy the next BFLost Connection to EA Servers
I cannot connect online to Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, and Battlefield 2042. I've read many of the EA Help articles and scrolled through the forums, but I haven't found a solution to this problem. I've talked to an EA advisor, which didn't help. I have good internet, and I've tried on a different console, and other troubleshooting methods. I have no clue why I can't connect because I can play other games fine. Is there anyone who may have this problem or maybe a solution? Thank youNew Scene
Battlefield has been great but with 2025 and the new trailer out it feels like a repeat of modern wars that get old quick. It almost feels like a copy of bf3 and bf4 but without the nostalgia. I feel like a great concept for a campaign would be to have multiple different U.S conflicts that are played through a family lineages perspective. Start off with the revolution or civil war and then pick and choose a few wars to build off of. It would cover a wide audience if you introduce conflicts like Vietnam, or Korea that never get exposure. Add in Iraq for modern conflict if you want. Gives a lot of variety for multiplayer maps, weapons and equipment to use which would be fresh. Maybe just me but I’ve thought about a concept like this for awhile.CONSOLES / MOUSE AND KEYBOARD SUPPORT for New battlefield 2025
Hello! Here I am referring to the discussion about mouse and keyboard support on consoles for the new battlefield that is currently in the works. With great hope and fear that this time EA and DICE will do whatever it takes to get support on consoles because over 10,000 players signed a petition for 2042 and NOTHING HAPPENED. With the CROSS PLAY option, every game deserves to have this support. What is your opinion on this? I personally have my doubts about it. Can DICE or EA tell us anything about this?