Online Versus Stats Central not working
I've played about 30 online versus competitive games and still when I click on the Stats Central screen the leaderboards for Competitive comes up with a "No data to display at this time" message. My records for casual games shows up even though I only have one game played in this mode. Any help would be appreciated :) [Xbox Series X]35Views0likes3CommentsDisconnects at End of HUT Champs Games
Just finished my HUT Champs week with a record of 8-9-3 when it should be 10-8-2. 2 times I won a game and got to the end game screen where it hung like it was loading (with the puck spinning top right corner) and after about 20 seconds it told me I lost connection to EA servers. Keep in mind my internet itself never went out. Upon reentering the game I found myself with a disconnect loss even though both games were completely over. (I had even lost 1 other game where the hang-up still happened at the end and I received no XP etc. afterwards!) Now I am missing out on the promised 91 card after earning it fair and square due to this bug on your end. I think it's only fair that you please give me my rightfully earned 91 Jean Beliveau to make it right and look into fixing this issue that is affecting users all over. The games where it happened were: Won against cousinr at 60:00 on 3/10/25 Won against MUG at 76:04 (OT) on 3/10/25 Loss against Nova8230 at 82:40 (OT) on 3/10/25 If any more info is needed please ask.32Views1like5CommentsObjectives not registering
Played a Squad Battles game and loaded my team with TOTW and a couple Cornerstone cards. Finished the game with all of the TOTW objectives complete and some progress on the Event objectives. Final score was 27-0. At the game conclusion menu, but before quitting out of the match, I went to the objectives menu to claim my objectives from the game. No luck. Closed the match. Opened the objectives menu at the main menu only to find that none of my objectives registered any progress. Normally, I close the application after every session because glitches appear after using Xbox Quick Resume. Today I didn't before resuming the app. Could this be a related glitch?12Views0likes3CommentsFranchise Menu Lag
After the latest update there is now an insane amount of lag in the franchise mode menus when switching between players on the edit lines, scouting, contract, and trade screens (anywhere where you can switch between players). It takes almost a full 2 seconds for the game to switch the info over to the newly highlighted player. This is making the game mode borderline unplayable, there needs to be a hotfix for this ASAP.462Views14likes13CommentsMultiple issues with create-a-team
NHL 24 added the ability to create up to 80 teams, so that's exactly what I did: enough to create a custom Franchise Mode with 40 NHL teams and 40 AHL teams. It was hard, and not just because it was obviously time-consuming, but also because of multiple bugs that impeded my progress. First, I learned the hard way that I had to keep every team's roster at the minimum 18 skaters and 2 goalies, because it seems the game has a hard cap on the total number of players that can be on created teams, and I don't believe that cap was increased when the number of teams one can create was increased from 50 to 80. What I learned was that if you exceed that apparent cap, the game will remove the "excess" players from a team when you save it - and if that drops the team's roster below the "18 skaters, 2 goalies" minimum, it will display that team's overall as dangerously low, anywhere from 0 to ~25, and it will cause a corruption that crashes the game if you even scroll past that team on a menu; you can't even delete the team, you have to delete the roster file and start over. Second, and the issue that brought me here today: even if you jump through that hoop and make the max number of teams, if you put them into a custom league (again, 40 NHL teams and 40 AHL teams), when you save, quit, exit the game, turn the Xbox off and come back later, anywhere from two-thirds to three quarters of the AHL are unplayably broken - their logos won't show up on the menus, and if you attempt to play a game with one of the broken teams, it just soft-locks while trying to load the team select screen. And furthermore, the reason I'm bringing this up here & now is that both of these bugs carried over from NHL 24 to NHL 25 - when I downloaded a roster someone else made with 80 custom teams, it was afflicted with the corruption I mentioned, and when I made 80 bare-minimum teams myself & put them into Franchise Mode, the same exact thing happened where a large part of the AHL was unplayable; I even took a screenshot of it, which I've attached to this post. Is there anything y'all can do about this? Team/league creation is basically the one feature that keeps me coming back to these games, so when I can't get it to work correctly, it's extremely disappointing.30Views0likes3CommentsFranchise Crashes
I play on an XBOX Series X. I click on a new franchise. 33 team expansion. Custom rosters. Select a team. I pick either Québec or Hartford usually. It does not seem to affect the outcome. I get to the part where I must enter the name of the GM. I press a letter. That is when the crash happens. Always. Back to the home screen of the XBOX Series X. I click on the game to start it. Franchise mode. New. 33 team expansion. And so on and on. Never a time when it does not crash. But a regular franchise with the standard amount of teams, that is fine. It would be nice if you fixed this.103Views1like18CommentsAHL Coach Line Preference
Doesn't lock players. Have tired multiple seasons and multiple coaches, setting preferred players into positions seems to work sometimes with the NHL coach but have never had it successfully work with the AHL coach. I'll spend some time in the coach conversation screen setting preferred players in position, then when returning to the lines and clicking 'Head Coach Preferred Lines' it is not reflected. I've also noticed the lines will default back once I've manually set them. Wasn't this one of the features of the game... XBOX Series S.81Views1like10CommentsCreate a player
Hello, I have an xbox series S with extra memory. For the last two weeks or so there have been problems with creating players. Inside the menus it is incredibly slow, as soon as you increase a bar for example it freezes and you have to log out and in. What used to take 10 minutes to create a player now takes several hours. (!) Would be grateful if this was updated for xbox create a player.17Views0likes0Comments