Wtf. This is ridiculous. Nobody is complaining about new AB. The new ones are a great idea. Very rewarding. But when your gonna sit there and rotate stuff out we've worked hard on and say, too bad just get the new characters...did you really expect a positive reaction. Seriously CG get your heads on straight. If your gonna force this garbage on people, maybe make the new characters NOT require 1000 kyrotechs!!! I've had to derail some of my farming to get the poncho bros, do you really think I'm gonna do it again for the perida persecution squad against poor people? Short answer, NO. Here's a novel idea just add the new assault battles to the rotation and just let us enjoy ALL OF THE ASSAULT BATTLES. I know that's too hard for you all as your counting your 2 BILLION dollars we have given you.
You get mad money off the whales and the community and LS bundles, this is greedy as hell and it just reveals the money grubbing greedy people a company can be.
I for one will not be spending a single penny on any LS bundles, crystals, Conquest pass, or anything else till you fix this blunder. And I highly recommend everyone else not give them a dime. We need to vote with our bank accounts and make these people realize we are not just wallets your your trust funds.
Bad move CG, you really screwed the pooch on this one.