Blog Post
How about some answers regarding the incredibly shortsighted Dagger update???
You have literally just killed every counter to Leviathan except Dagger mirrors which is now a coin flip... I am genuinely curious as to who thought that was the answer to fleets? How long did it take you to figure out that fix, 5 minutes? How much testing did you do, none I am guessing? Who actually sat down and went "guys guys we need to go back to a coin flip meta"?
Roll this back and have a good longgggggg think about how to actually sort the mess you have yet again created with fleets.
I would be fired from my job if i displayed the sheer levels of incompetence you lot continue to exhibit.
Oh and while all the other little QoLs you have added might be nice they arent masking the absolute colossal error you guys have just rolled out.
The fleet meta was pretty well balanced before P1 came out.
Try again.
No they didn't, there's also solutions for 3 fleets.
Maybe let the dust settle and people test stuff before you begin crying about the wolf.
- da8binuwbmnu5 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
CG turned mirror matches into a game of chance. He's right; that's not OK! I've completely lost the fun of playing Baylan.
Thanks, CG!- ScheckRT5 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
CG turned mirror matches into a game of chance. He's right; that's not OK!
There are 2-3 solutions, including how to win the mirror easily, already making their way around.
Again: Maybe let the dust settle before grabbing your pitchfork, and learn to play the game.