Blog Post
This all sounds cool and all, but something the playerbase have been wanting for years is a mod managing system where we can more easily switch saved mod loadouts for tb, gac and tw. Do you all have Any plans on that?
Todays system in game take way to much time to switch modloadouts back and forth as it is.
I don't even need a new "Saved" system.
The one we have works well enough to me.
What I WANT & NEED, is the ability to REMOVE a mod from the MODS screen instead of being inside the PLAYER Screen.
I'm so tired of searching for my worst mods to delete & then having to write down/memorize the 3-6 characters for that slot/type, then go into each one of their screens & REMOVE that single mod, then find a new one. Then go back out to character roster & find the next person.
We need some function to hit "SWAP" = Remove/Replace by highlighting an Equipped Mod & an UN-Equipped Mod & then hit GO & they swap themselves, or something.