Tier |
Stat Name |
Min Value |
Max Value |
1-2 |
Defense Penetration |
35% |
50% |
1-2 |
Resistance Penetration |
35% |
50% |
1-2 |
Critical Chance |
5% |
10% |
1-2 |
Offense |
1% |
5% |
1-2 |
Critical Damage |
5% |
10% |
1-2 |
Potency |
15% |
35% |
1-2 |
Tenacity |
6% |
12% |
4-5 |
Defense Penetration |
50% |
65% |
4-5 |
Resistance Penetration |
50% |
65% |
4-5 |
Critical Chance |
10% |
20% |
4-5 |
Offense |
5% |
10% |
4-5 |
Critical Damage |
10% |
15% |
4-5 |
Potency |
35% |
50% |
4-5 |
Tenacity |
12% |
20% |
7-8 |
Defense Penetration |
65% |
80% |
7-8 |
Resistance Penetration |
65% |
80% |
7-8 |
Critical Chance |
20% |
30% |
7-8 |
Offense |
10% |
20% |
7-8 |
Critical Damage |
15% |
25% |
7-8 |
Potency |
50% |
75% |
7-8 |
Tenacity |
20% |
30% |
Dark Side |
{0} allies start the battle with +25% Turn Meter. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies use a Basic ability, they gain Critical Chance Up, Critical Damage Up, and Offense Up for 2 turns. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies are damaged by percent Health damage effects, they recover 2% Health. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies gain a buff, they recover 2% Health and Protection. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies start their turn with at least 2 buffs that can be dispelled, they gain 5% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter. |
Dark Side |
{0} allies start the battle with +25% Turn Meter. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies use a Basic ability, they gain Critical Chance Up, Critical Damage Up, and Offense Up for 2 turns. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies are damaged by percent Health damage effects, they recover 2% Health. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies gain a buff, they recover 2% Health and Protection. |
Dark Side |
Whenever {0} allies start their turn with at least 2 buffs that can be dispelled, they gain 5% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter. |
Light Side |
Whenever {0} allies grant a buff to another ally, that other ally recovers 3% Health and Protection. |
Light Side |
Whenever {0} allies critically hit enemies more than 4 times during their turn, they gain 5% Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of battle. |
Light Side |
Whenever {0} allies resist a debuff they recover 2% Health and Protection. |
Light Side |
Whenever {0} allies Stun or Daze an enemy, they recover 10% Health and Protection. |
Light Side |
At the start of the encounter {0} allies gain 15% Max Health and Max Protection for each other {0} ally. |
Unaligned Force Users |
Whenever {0} allies grant a buff to another ally, that ally gains 10% Turn Meter (limit once per turn per ally). |
Unaligned Force Users |
Whenever {0} allies start their turn with at least 2 debuffs that can be dispelled, they have a 65% chance to dispel all debuffs on themselves. |
Unaligned Force Users |
Whenever a {0} ally is critically hit, they gain 100% Critical Avoidance and 100% Critical Chance for 2 turns. |
Unaligned Force Users |
Whenever a {0} ally defeats an enemy, they take a bonus turn. |
Unaligned Force Users |
The first time each {0} ally falls below 50% Health, all {0} allies reduce their cooldowns by 1 and gain 10% Turn Meter. |
Rebels |
Whenever {0} allies critically hit an enemy during their turn, that ally gains 10% Offense (stacking) for 2 turns. |
Rebels |
Whenever {0} allies use a Special Ability on their turn, they gain Riposte for 2 turns. |
Rebels |
At the end of their turn, {0} allies gain Defense Penetration Up and Offense Up for 1 turn. |
Rebels |
Whenever {0} allies attack out of turn, they have a 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter from the target. |
Rebels |
Whenever {0} allies are Stunned, gain 50% Turn Meter and recover 25% Health and Protection. |
Imperial Trooper |
The first time each {0} ally falls below 50% Health they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn and gain Health Steal Up for 2 turns. |
Imperial Trooper |
Whenever a {0} ally has full Health and Protection at the start of their turn, they deal +100% more Damage on their turn. |
Imperial Trooper |
Whenever {0} allies attack out of turn, they have a 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter from the target. |
Imperial Trooper |
At the start of battle, {0} allies lose all Max Protection and gain that much Max Health. {0} allies gain Grit until the end of battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Grit: Takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects |
Imperial Trooper |
At the start of their first turn, {0} allies gain Offense equal to 400% of their current Defense until the end of battle. Then they lose 50% Defense until the end of battle. |
Tusken |
Whenever a debuff on an enemy expires, {0} allies gain 2% Potency and Tenacity until the end of battle. |
Tusken |
Whenever a {0} ally falls below 100% Health, they gain a bonus turn. Limit once per character per battle. |
Tusken |
{0} allies start the battle with Damage Immunity for 2 turns (can't be copied). |
Tusken |
The first time each {0} ally falls below 50% Health they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn and gain Health Steal Up for 2 turns. |
Tusken |
Whenever a {0} ally deals damage to an enemy and no other enemy is Blinded, inflict Blind for 2 turns on the enemy, which can't be resisted. |
Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano |
At the start of battle, all Spectre allies gain Morai's Wisdom for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Whenever a Spectre ally with Morai's Wisdom uses a Special ability, Ahsoka Tano gains 3% Ultimate Charge. |
Commander Ahsoka Tano |
At the start of {0}'s turn, they have a 20% chance to gain 50% Defense Penetration for 1 turn. |
Commander Luke Skywalker |
Whenever {0} damages an enemy with a Special ability and the enemy doesn't have Armor Shred, inflict Armor Shred for the rest of battle. Whenever {0} uses a Basic ability and damages an enemy with Armor Shred, inflict Expose for 2 turns on that enemy, which can't be resisted, and {0} gains Protection Up (50%, stacking) for 2 turns. |
Cal Kestis |
{0} has +5% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 15%. |
Padawan Sabine Wren |
{0} gains 15% Turn Meter when other allies use a Special Ability on their turn. |
Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) |
Whenever an enemy takes a turn, {0} takes a bonus turn. During this bonus turn, {0} deals 100% more damage. This bonus turn can't trigger this effect on enemies. |
Lando Calrissian |
Whenever {0} critically hits an enemy, {0} gains 10% Critical Damage, Defense Penetration, and Offense (stacking, max 200%) until the end of battle. |
C-3P0 |
{0} gains 15% Turn Meter when other allies use a Special Ability on their turn. |
Han Solo |
The first time {0} is defeated, they are revived with 100% Health, gain Protection Over Time (75%) for 2 turns, and take a bonus turn. |
Captain Han Solo |
At the start of {0}'s turn, dispel all debuffs on them. They recover 5% Health for each debuff dispelled this way. |
Stormtrooper Han |
{0} deals 5% more damage per Relic Amplifier level on all allies present at the start of battle. |
Death Trooper |
Whenever {0} deals damage to an enemy, remove 25% Turn Meter from that enemy. |
Range Trooper |
Whenever {0} critically hits an enemy, {0} gains 10% Critical Damage, Defense Penetration, and Offense (stacking, max 200%) until the end of battle. |
Snowtrooper |
Whenever {0} critically hits an enemy, {0} gains Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be copied, 25% Turn Meter, and Blinds that enemy for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. If the enemy was Target Locked, {0} also gains Protection Up (100%) for 2 turns, Retribution, and Speed Up for 2 turns. |
Admiral Piett |
The first time {0} is defeated, if there is at least one other active ally, revive all other defeated allies and other allies recover +100% Health and Protection, gain 100% Turn Meter and 100% Offense (stacking) until the end of battle. |
Magmatrooper |
Whenever {0} uses a Basic ability, {0} gains Protection Up (50%, stacking) for 2 turns and 50% Turn Meter. Whenever {0} damages an enemy using a Special ability, inflict Fear for 1 turn on that enemy, which can't be resisted. |
Tusken Chieftain |
Whenever {0} uses a Basic Ability on their turn, other allies gain +25% Turn Meter. |
Tusken Shaman |
At the start of {0}'s turn, dispel all debuffs on them. They recover 5% Health for each debuff dispelled this way. |
Tusken Raider |
Whenever {0} evades an attack, they gain Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns and 50% Turn Meter. |
Tusken Warrior |
Whenever {0} is dealt damage, reflect 20% of the damage dealt back onto the attacker as True damage, which can't be evaded. This damage can't defeat enemies. |
{0} gains 15% Turn Meter when other allies use a Special Ability on their turn. |