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SWGOH Game Info Hub

December Calendar

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
2 months ago

Hello Holotable Heroes,


Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for December 2024



Omega Events

Omega – Rebels and Geonosians

Dates: 12/02/2024


Omega – Ewoks and Empire

Dates: 12/09/2024


Omega – Jedi and Tusken

Dates: 12/16/2024


Omega – Sith and Droids

Dates: 12/23/2024


Omega – Nightsisters and Jawas

Dates: 12/30/2024


Omega – Resistance and Clones

Dates: 12/06/2024


Omega – First Order and Scoundrels

Dates: 12/13/2024



Assault Battles


Imperial Remnant (Peridea Patrol)

Dates: 12/07/2024, 12/26/2024


Forest Moon

Dates: 12/14/2024, 12/28/2024


Military Might

Dates: 12/21/2024,12/30/2024


Ground War

Dates: 12/28/2024, 1/1/2025


Places of Power

Dates: 12/04/2024, 12/25/2024


Fanatical Devotion

Dates: 12/11/2024, 12/27/2024


Secrets and Shadows

Dates: 12/18/2024, 12/29/2024


Rebel Round-Up

Dates: 12/2/2024, 12/24/2024


Duel of the Fates Assault Battle

Dates: 12/25/2024, 12/31/2024




Mythic Events


Grandmaster’s Training Mythic Event

Dates: 12/22/2024


Pieces and Plans Mythic Event

Dates: 12/23/2024


The Daring Droid Mythic Event

Dates: 12/24/2024


Emperor's Demise Mythic Event

Dates: 12/25/2024


The Artist of War Mythic Event

Dates: 12/14/2024, 12/26/2024



Fleet Mastery


Dates: 12/15/2024



Dates: 12/20/2024



Dates: 12/31/2024



Territory Battles


Rebel Assault

Dates: 12/23/2024


Republic Offensive

Dates: 12/23/2024


Imperial Retaliation

Dates: 12/09/2024


Separatist Might

Dates: 12/09/2024


Rise of the Empire

Dates: 12/09/2024

Dates: 12/23/2024



Territory Wars


 War 353 

Attack Date: 12/03/2024 11:00 PT

War 354 

Attack Date: 12/07/2024 10:00 PT

War 355

Attack Date: 12/17/2024 11:00 PT

War 356

Attack Date: 12/21/2024 10:00 PT




Endor Escalation

Dates: 12/17/2024


Defense of Dathomir 

Dates: 12/26/2024 


Credit Heist 

Dates: 12/03/2024

Dates: 12/10/2024

Dates: 12/25/2024


Droid Smuggling 

Dates: 12/07/2024

Dates: 12/12/2024

Dates: 12/18/2024

Dates: 12/23/2024


Smuggler's Run 

Dates: 12/01/2024

Dates: 12/08/2024

Dates: 12/20/2024

Dates: 12/30/2024


Smuggler's Run 2 

Dates: 12/05/2024

Dates: 12/10/2024

Dates: 12/17/2024

Dates: 12/25/2024


Contraband Cargo 

Dates: 12/05/2024

Dates: 12/12/2024

Dates: 12/19/2024

Dates: 12/26/2024


Galactic Bounties Part 1

Dates: 12/22/2024 


Galactic Bounties Part 2

Dates: 12/01/2024


Ghosts of Dathomir

Dates: 12/16/2024

Dates: 12/29/2024 


Ultimate Journey

Dates: 12/09/2024

Dates: 12/30/2024


Bo Katan Epic Confrontation 

Dates: 12/10/2024 

Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0
  • Is there a puzzle in the dates? Because there is a lot of fractions. With 1/2….. I know they are dates but could we assume GL AT coming around December 12-24 area?

    • HadeusHawkyns's avatar
      New Spectator

      I think it's just a formatting issue. All of those dates end in a 1 (e.g. December 31) followed by the slash and the year (2024). I think it's autocorrecting the 1 / 2 (no spaces) to the half fraction. I have that happen to me a lot with dates at work and it's easy to miss if you're not paying attention to it as you type.

      • TrooperJF713's avatar
        Seasoned Novice

        Yes im in agreement, 
        Then again they throw puzzles once in a blue in post in pieces and we have to read between the lines...
        I won't be mad if there is more info to dig out 

  • is RotE really starting 2 days before Christmas and therefor active on Christmas day? means any guild leaders are either gonna have to hassle people on the baby jesus' birthday or just write that RotE off 

    • TrooperJF713's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      Don't forget about Conquest and the New cron set. that will be happening on that week


  • You take the time to list all those events and forget GAC - almost a classic CG thing. 

  • obiyan1988's avatar
    Seasoned Spectator

    Cool, thanks for the Information. 

    I find it nice that we will get more Credit Heißt, Smugglers Run 1+2  and  Ultimate Journey also with the Extra Assault Battles.

    CG_Meathead  will the BoKatan Mandalore Event become permanent after her next Event?

  • nrm53's avatar
    New Spectator

    That's the 31st on the profundity right? I completely missed this month on the unlock cuz I kept checking in the events where all the others pop up... found out this morning I missed it and I had to go into the dam journey guide... now I wait another month after I rushed to get there for this month cuz I was thinking it was maybe the next day or something. 

  • I don't see fleet masteries for Raddus and Finalizer listed as appearing EVERY SINGLE DAY even though I already have the ships at 7* and now I'm not allowed to play the bonus tier for shards to convert to SSC. 

    Since the fleet mastery change, Finalizer and Raddus have appeared in my events tab EVERY SINGLE DAY with a refreshed 24h timer. Why is my events screen being polluted with events I don't benefit from? I don't want to see the gungan marquees again. I already have JJB. Why are gungan events polluting my events screen? 

    Why are Finalizer and Raddus fleet masteries polluting my events screen EVERY SINGLE DAY now even though I'm not allowed to play the bonus tier for shards? 

  • number333_ak's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Thank you for the clear and detailed communication and thanks for listening to the community!

    I really appreciate the detailed schedule of the up coming Assault battles.  This level of communication as well as insight into the reason why CG has made such choices is very helpful and provides transparency. ❤️

  • Why do these calendars never list when GACs or Conquests are?

  • Why is Ultimate Journey Event running twice this month? Also, I thought this event only runs after the second Conquest concludes? It has never run while Conquest is currently active, were there changes recently on the UJE schedule?