Blog Post
4 months agoNew Traveler
I'm liking that, thanks!
Now make that my Profundity fleet is not completely useless, please and thank you.
- Spider6516514 months agoSeasoned Novice
Profundity is far from useless. I beat Leviathan with it multiple times a day.
- W00lyb3ar4 months agoNew Traveler
You're right, I should've specified:
I'm in a new shard, there are no Leviathan in mine, only Execs with Punishing One. So it's very much a "me" problem then, but a frustrating one. I farmed the newer ship but made the wrong decision as it is completely useless against the Executors with a 3 stars P1.
- vahian4 months agoSeasoned Novice
I'm in the same boat but have been able to get to 1st in fleet just will be 20th the next morning. There are counters bringing in Dash's ship as first reinforcement and understanding you are going to lose a ship in the first round.