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Extra Life 2024, Halloween Spooktacular!!!

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
4 months ago

Hello Holotable Heroes!

While we are finalizing plans for this years Extra Life event, we will be running some mini-streams leading up to a larger one in the near future.

Tonight, join AaronBurrSir and a few others as they get into the Halloween spirit and attempt to raise money for Extra Life! All the while, they will attempt to solve a murder together in the horror puzzle/social game Mysterium

Head over to 

Start Time: 7PM PT

Updated 4 months ago
Version 1.0


  • NoNamed007's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    4 months ago

    Can’t you just donate part of what the whales are paying you since you obviously don’t put this money to actually developing the game and testing things?  

  • Chaincode's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    4 months ago

    Actually you donate the money to them, then they donate the "proceeds" to the charity claiming it as a charitable donation for tax purposes. 

    Same as at your grocery store, or almost every other company that raises money for charity. If a third party says they're raising money for a charity, usually this is the case. Just donate to the charity directly instead.

    If they have a pledge to said charity it is even worse. If you donate to them you're paying their pledge. If you donate directly to the charity, the company still has to pay the pledge, so the charity gets "double". 

    But I am only a corporate accountant, so what do I know. 

  • Shemhamforash1's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    4 months ago

    This is a long standing myth.  The law does not allow point of sale charitable donations to be included in the stores revenue for tax purposes.  They allow the store to be a pass through to the charity.  Actual profits and revenue donated can be a tax write off, but not the point of sale.  If whoever you're working for does this, they are breaking the law.  I work for a federal  contractor that works directly with the IRS and have to know tax law, so what do I know. 

  • SolipsisticSenil's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 months ago

    It’s nice that my “donation” helps those in need, but I donate through this game for the free stuff, but what do I know?

  • It’s nice that y’all wanna do charity events.   I think charity is great.  Just seems kinda backhanded from a company that charges $300 for a 7 star character unlock in a digital game. Who’s main purpose is to try and squeeze every penny out of anyone they can. And we all know cg is just using the donated money as a tax write off. 
    And y’all still won’t even address the game breaking audio glitch that cost us all resources and time in game.  But ya. Let’s donate to CG’s tax write off charity events. 

  • The folks bagging on CG for having the audacity to run a charity event are really making me want to take part in the charity event. 

    EA is not doing this - this is a thing that CG does because they want to do a good thing - and a thing they don't have to do. The money they raise from this would be a drop in the bucket for them - but for the children's hospitals it is a windfall. 

    This comes up every year. It's weird that people like this game enough to be on the forums but then turn around and slam the company that makes the game for going out of their way to do a good thing.

    Please don't discourage people from donating. If you dislike CG so much and you want to donate directly here's where you can:

    But if you dislike CG so much, why are you here?