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Great Mothers - Question and Answers

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
15 days ago
  •  So with this being the second Large Unit in the game, do you see them appearing more frequently as is appropriate for game balance and lore needs?
    •  This gives us a way to introduce larger characters if and when the need in the game arises. We decide which characters to add based on a number of factors, and large units give us flexibility for who is possible. 
  •  Great mother's basic reads "Deal Special damage to target enemy. If the target enemy was Doomed, inflict Tenacity Down for 2 turns and they lose 20% Max Health (stacking) until the end of the encounter, which can't be evaded or resisted." Which does not include the traditional (excludes GLs) qualifier that all similar effects have (asajj omi, gas unique) Is this just a small oversight, or can she alone reduce the max health of GLs?
    •  Good catch, oversight. She does not reduce max health of GLs or raid bosses. 
  • Are the Omicrons for GAC or TW? Summary of character says GAC but abilities say TW
    • This was an oversight, and we’ve since corrected that particular Strategy Tip in the Kit Reveal post. Thanks for letting us know!
  •  Will NS Zombie still revive since it can't be prevented?
    •  Yes, Nightsister Zombie will still be able to revive.
  •  Do GLs and Raid Bosses Lose 5% defense per turn taken or a one time reduction?
    •  The 5% Defense reduction is a one time reduction
  •  Does Doomed override teams immune to protection disruption (i.e. gungans)?
    •  Yep, Doomed removes your protection permanently.
  •  So blessed helps counter CAT but how can we guarantee she attacks the blessed target? I don't see anything forcing a taunt on the unit or morgan before CAT acts.
    •  In this specific case, Great Mother’s Unique ability grants Stealth to NS Attackers at the start of each encounter, which triggers Morgan Elsbeth’s Unique ability, which gives her Taunt. 
  •  So with the two granted abilities, do the great mothers get two bonus turns at the start of an encounter?
    • Yes
  •  The leadership says it grants 30 speed without the omicron, but 20 speed with the omicron. Is this stacking (i.e. 50 speed with omicron) or a typo?
    •  Yes, this is stacking so Great Mothers will gain 50 Speed in Territory Wars with her Omicron.
  •  Will toons with things akin to "immune to skills based on max health" be immune to the health reduction of doom? IE: Will toons like Malak and KRU be effected by Doom?
    •  No, only characters that are immune to Max Health reduction (ex. Lord Vader) is immune to Doom’s Max Health reduction.
  •  What is the intended team comp for the Great Mothers?
    •  Great Mothers / Morgan Elsbeth is the main 2, the last 3 can be Nightsister Acolyte / Nightsister Spirit / Talia / Nightsister Initiate. Death Trooper (Peridea) and Night Trooper can also be options

  •  At the start of battle do they get two bonus turns in a row?
    •  Yes
  •  Can more than one ally be blessed at the same time? Can more than one enemy be Doomed?
    •  In Territory Wars, up to 2 allies can be Blessed at a time. But only 1 enemy can be Doomed at a time.

  • Why introduce elite marquee events with the Great Mothers specifically, and what kinds of characters qualify for elite marquee status? 
    •  This is something that will be rare for us to do and will be determined on a case by case basis. The vast majority of marquees will be as usual.

  •  Why introduce elite marquee events with the Great Mothers specifically, and what kinds of characters qualify for elite marquee status?
    •  Oooops, we made this Nightsister too strong for a marquee…. Oh nooooooo……….

  •  Both FW & GoS are forced abilities. Which one takes priority?
    •  It shouldn’t matter which one goes first, but currently Fate Weaving triggers before Gift of Shadows.

  •  Will the actual battles in the Marquee event be any different since this is an "Elite Marquee"?
    •  Nope

  •  Is this meant to be an offensive, defensive or balanced team?
    •  This team is quite balanced, you have a lot of offensive pressure with Doomed and damage from the Nightsister Attackers. But at the same time, Morgan protects the team with Taunt, and the less tanky Attackers will almost always have Stealth and Foresight.

  •  If we have the great mothers and 3 other units does that still count as an undersized squad? (Since thats technically 6 people)
    • As far as the game is concerned, Great Mothers counts as 1 unit.

  •  It doesn't feel like Talia got much love, any reason NS healers didn't get something like -1 to CD's when they drop below 100% hp? PS NS have been my favourite team since MT release so nice to see the appreciation
    •  It’s nice to see another fellow NS enjoyer! Talia is actually quite strong with Great Mothers, and even required in certain matchups because her dispel is invaluable against Dark Side Leaders.

  •  Was it ever considered to release each Mother separately?
    •  We briefly considered it but they are always seen together and work so tightly together so it felt odd to split them up

  • What color would the Great Mothers be in MTG?
    • Black (obviously), White (buffs) and maybe splash something else for flavor. But definitely Black/White base.
Updated 15 days ago
Version 1.0