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Gungan Phalanx Community Q/A Responses (Originally posted Apr 10 2024)

EA_Rtas's avatar
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7 months ago

Why did you make a GC Omicron, what is the design goal?
We wanted to try something new! This is a more niche omicron and targeted to players that might want some extra oomph with GCs. With five Gungans we wanted to try and give each one an Omicron that affects a different game mode, and in the lifetime of Omicrons we’d only explored four modes, up until now.Will this make GC’s harder now that you’ve attached an Omicron to it?
GCs inherently vary in difficulty, the intent of this Omicron is to make a Gungan squad a viable alternative to completing feats that are difficult for your roster to accomplish otherwise.Will there be Gungan Feats in GCs?
Yes, like other Factions and teams, Gungans will also receive their own GC moments
Will there be another Gungan or this be the last ?
This is the last of the marquee Gungan characters. The remaining character to complete this squad is Jar Jar Binks who can be obtained through his Legendary Journey Guide event.
"Whenever Phalanx is not damaged by an enemy", what does that even mean? Does this trigger every turn? Every enemy turn? Every time an ally is damaged?
When an enemy completes their turn and does not damage Phalanx.
Is the protection disruption looking leia mechanics? Or is that a different thing?
Protection Disruption is the debuff inflicted by Boba Fett, Scion of Jango for example. Leia’s Ambush disables Protection but that is not what is covered by this immunity.Why shield instead of protection up? What’s the difference?
Protection Up uses Max Health as the statistic to pull from to create the temporary shield (show of hands, who didn’t know?). So for example, Protection Up (25%) creates a temporary shield based on 25% of the character’s Max Health. Shield Up uses Max Protection as the statistic. So, Shield Up (25%) creates a temporary shield based on 25% of the character’s Max Protection. With Gungans having such a small health pool we wanted to create a buff that aligned more with their statistical profile. Shield Up is treated like a buff similar to Protection Up so it can be dispelled and prevented.Is This A Made Up Gungan?
The Grand Gungan Army is primarily made up of Militiagung, a generic term covering all sorts of specialized Gungan soldiers. For the purposes of creating a 5-person squad we broke the Militiagung into two different specialized units, the Booma-tossing Boomadier and the shield-bearing Phalanx.How did you decide on the ability names?
We pretty much had the idea on what the abilities should do and look like, so in the end it was only the matter of how a Gungan would call those actions out
When is "Phalanx is not damaged by an enemy" checked? Every time an enemy attacks? Including assists/counters? What about mass assists, is it checked for each individual character assisting?
It is checked at the end of an enemy’s turn. If they take their turn and do not damage Phalanx then Phalanx will assist on the next other Gungan ally’s turn (along with the other benefits).

Can we get a teaser for how Jar Jar will add to the squad?

Published 7 months ago
Version 1.0