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SWGOH Game Info Hub

Hotfix inbound - 1-21

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
12 days ago

There will be a hotfix deploying in the next 10 minutes to fix the Tier 1 Omega Marquee Quest. 

After our server release today, those who have been stuck on this tier, should no longer be stuck. 

Updated 12 days ago
Version 2.0


  • Is there an ETA on awarding titles from the GL journey guide events? The titles haven't been awarded when completing the prerequisites for the respective GL

  • edipil's avatar
    Rising Novice
    12 days ago

    Their Trello board indicates they fixed the bug, the fix just hasn't been pushed in an update yet. I would expect it to be part of next week's update that adds Batcher if they aren't doing a bugfix update later today.

  • Desiderium719091's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    12 days ago

    The quests go on for another week. If players waited this long to unlock her and want to complain about a later stage of her character shard quests, that's entirely on them.

  • Is this some kind of joke? There's a little over an hour left until the event ends. How does your fix solve the problem?

  • Dakken8383's avatar
    New Traveler
    12 days ago

    Except this is for the character quest that goes for another week, not the marquee event.

  • Yeah, but it's kind of hard to complete the quest requiring you to finish tier 1 of the marquee, when the marquee is no longer available. I've completed tier 1 every single day, but quest never marks as complete.