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Hunter (Mercenary) Datacron Update

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
26 days ago

Hello Holotable Heroes,

We appreciate the feedback you have provided on the Hunter (Mercenary) Datacron and we will be granting the Datacron to all people who 7-starred Hunter (Mercenary) in a future update.

If you have already earned the Datacron, you will get a second copy

See you on the Holotables.

Published 26 days ago
Version 1.0


  • I assume it's for balance reason that omega(fugitive) and hunter(mercenary) aren't under the clone trooper tag 

  • AD-ooXXoo's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    26 days ago

    I think a problem is that Omega (fugitive) have no Mercenary Tag. And the lvl 6 from DC is only for Mercenary.

  • So a r5 Batcher is no longer needed? Only a *7 Hunter (m) which I Will get in three days? 2-3 days ago I spend money and crystals to get Batcher to r5 to be able to get the datacron. Is this for real??

  • Will this include those who will have him at 7 star on the last day of the marquee? 


  • Great mother's DataCron as well as Baylan's are both boosted stats DC, and I thought Hunter's would also be the same so I upgraded my Omega and the dog to r5 just days before Hunter event was released-in order to get this super DC,but guess what, this one is not boosted, and I got to know after I r5 my hunter as well. Thats frustrating that I cost a lot of gems and got nothing in return(cause I dont quiet like this new team or this normal stats dc,compares to how much I been invested on), my question is, why is no one informed that this new character dc are not like the last 2? dont you think its unfair for those who first time decided to get a boosted dc but doing all for nothing?I been spending nearly 10k dollars on this game, yet I can't have some small issues get resolved, every time I submitted a case, there will always no feedback and not a single case showed up in "my cases",I have abandoned many of rights and try to convince myself that it's a good game and maybe a little more tolerate is required, but thats gonna change someday, you are truely not doing so well on your work or something, thats making me heart breaking