Blog Post
Still no word on the "early victory" issue?
Just spent 1.5 hours trying to get my lsb jedi to post a semi-decent score without encountering said early victory (this included a full uninstall/reinstall).
Spoiler alert: the mission was a failure.
If the aim of the raid is to p... off your moderate spenders so that they go full blown frp, or just quit, then naboo raid is a resounding success.
If the aim of the raid is to give the players a fun experience, then naboo raid is a resounding failure.
For all the issues of endor, at least you could just put it on auto and post a semi-respectable score. No luck in doing this with naboo.
Sorry if this seems overly negative (I refer you to the second paragraph). So, the question is ... when are you going to fix the raid? Are we going to have to wait 9 months for the next one?