Blog Post
I'm sure this is for a good cause and all...
But maybe you can join us in fixing some simple, but hugely impactful, bugs like that impacting the Scythe and destroying all Imperial fleets?
You're a service provider first, and again - I'm sure this is a noble cause. But don't come begging for more money when your service isn't up to par (and you're not addressing the issue in numerous other posts).
Save your groans for another thread. This is for charity, a good cause, and they run this annually.
- ImmortalAzazel4 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
I would. If they addressed in any other thread.
They're service providers first, and fail that plenty without communicating well with the community. Their charity drives can be done on their own time, like many of the rest of us do.
- TheBlackxxRanger4 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
This is on their own time. Meathead was provided the EA answers HQ thread for the scythe issue already, they are aware.
I understand where you are coming from and are asking for communication regarding the bug. This is the wrong way to go about it.
- ImmortalAzazel4 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
You're probably right. But this is the game's forum, and the game's CM, not like his personal Twitter or something, and they have a history of ignoring us for long periods of time.
If I could trust them to better communicate on issues, though, and not seem like they were just ignoring valid issues for *months* at a time, to the detriment of players - and if Meat was more active in the forums and a better CM, I would have less complaints in this regard - I wouldn't need to bring it up. But they seem to ignore us in so many cases, and yet come and pimp their other causes so easily. It just seems like we're being ignored or marginalized, and that stinks.
Their first priority needs to be the game and making sure the community is engaged and heard. Then do all this great extra-curricular stuff.
- Jac51UB4 months agoNew Hotshot
CG makes just shy of 7 million a year, just over 160,000 per employee.
Meathead and the team may be great for doing this. But I have a hard time listening to anyone that represents a company that makes almost 3x their nation's average per employee ask me for money, so they can write it off their taxes.