Blog Post
Why doesn't Sabine have the Jedi tag? Reason given game balance. Oh, now you care about game balance after completely destroying fleet arena with the dagger changes
Shin is Baylon's Padawan, does she need the Jedi tag too?
The only Canon jedi at this point is Luke. Tano is a Grey Jedi.
- lordofvades5 months agoNew Spectator
Shin is Baylan's "apprentice", not his padawan. Padawan is a jedi rank, stop defending their incompetence
- OfTheVeilGaming5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
She has the Rat Tail and everything...
She is his padawan. Even says he trained her the way Jedi ought to be. Meaning she's been brought up on Old Republic Values.
- bowserx195 months agoNew Spectator
Gray Jedi aren't a real thing. They're just Unaligned Force Users
- OfTheVeilGaming5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
They do and they're called Wayseekers
- jafish415 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Lmao they aren’t real. They are a gross interpretation of what Jedi are supposed to be by Disney in an attempt to give this **bleep** fanbase a justification to their shattering past characters.
- jafish415 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Grey Jedi aren’t real - they are just made up excuses for people to justify using dark side practices. Use of the dark side so frequently that they are referred to as being “Grey” would forfeit any Jedi tag