Blog Post
Why doesn't Sabine have the Jedi tag? Reason given game balance. Oh, now you care about game balance after completely destroying fleet arena with the dagger changes
Maybe because she isnt a jedi? She wasnt trained by a jedi, and wasnt trained in the jedi way, but i think you realised that, but just wanted to complain
- Hildor815 months agoNew Scout
I think their point was, before the Ahsoka show, Sabine was as Force Blind as Wedge.
Even Ezra showed some hint he was Force Sensitive, before his training.
So the issue is more of a show writing one.
I have also noticed some people saying Sabine needs the Rebel Tag. At this point in the timeline , the Rebellion is gone. At most she would have a New Republic Tag, however, outside of a handful of media, we have seen little to no New Republic characters. The ones we have full in the Resistance Tag.
Now if we got more Legends/Extended Universe characters, I could easily give you a team of 5 , with senator Leia as a possible Leader Tag .