Blog Post
Much worse now, CG. I used to be able to get all 5 of my teams to max score (across relic 7 Queen Amidala and the other four teams...B2 lead, Luminara lead, Kelleran lead, and Gungans at relic 5). Now, they're all struggling and getting lower scores because of the commander droid's reduced cooldown. It really nerfs the Luminara team, because the Potency Up gets stripped away far faster and more frequently...which draws out each wave way too long. So, the team can't even make it to the last wave before the shield comes down and they're annihilated.
It's really frustrating, because I spent a lot of time getting each team perfectly modded and upgraded to run thru the raid (despite it taking a LOT of time to do the battles). And now, you've pulled the rug out from under me. Even worse, our guild had just managed to reach the next higher reward crate a couple of raids ago. And now, you just knocked us all back down to a lower overall reward crate. Who on earth thought this was the way to "improve" the raid for us? Because you failed...again.
- Tenebrae-36262 months agoRising Ace
The changes aren't live yet. I'm currently running the Lumi team (this is the last day of our current run, I waited to see if the changes would be implemented). Nothing. Command Droid can still use his Special on the first turn, he can still take bonus turns, most visually noticeable there is no status icon for his Special ability. It looks more like you're just having the not-so uncommon case of rotten RNG.
Edit: I just now realized it might be because we're already running the raid, but still, there was nothing in the hot-fix yesterday, even the people in the comments section are asking about the changes.