Blog Post
Hey CG_Meathead why is the "cooldown" only 3 turns for the very first time it happens? I watched it multiple times and that cooldown increase for 3 turns only happens on the very first volley of EACH Wave. After that first time it cools down from 3, it goes right back to doing the special ability every other turn. So the command droid is literally doing the buff removal every. other. turn.
This actually made my Luminara team get shut down even faster. In wave ONE, my team isn't hitting for squat and is at 56% to enrage with three droids left and that **bleep** command droid going full blown buff removal every other turn. Which, strips POTENCY off the Jedi that are supposed to have it so they can hit harder?
Was the intent of this update to push us to R9 our entire naboo raid list or something? If you don't take out the entire group of droids within 2 turns, you get stuck because of this stupid mechanic "update", even on Tier 5. Hopefully this is a bug that you all are going to fix ASAP.