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SWGOH Game Info Hub

Update 1-22-25

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
2 months ago

Hi Holotable Heroes, 

Here are the notes for today’s update



  • Reminded GL Ahsoka that while she is new and awesome, she still needs to obey the rules of the game. Her Special02 ability, "Defiant Resolve", will no longer ignore effects that prevent bonus Turn Meter gain (such as Jedi Master Kenobi's Leader).
  • Enoch remembered he isn't immune to Healing Immunity. Updated loc of his Leader ability to clarify "other non-Droid Imperial Remnant allies are immune to Healing Immunity"; this is purely a description update to match existing functionality, no mechanics were changed.
  • Updated Jabba's Leader synergy to say it can benefit Bounty Hunter OR Hutt Cartel OR Smuggler to better match functionality. This is purely a description update and no mechanics were changed.
  • Reminded Ezra (Exile) where his loyalties should be. Updated Ezra (Exile)'s description for Kanan's Legacy to specify all Spectre *allies* gain Backup Plan. This is a description update to match functionality and no mechanics were changed.
  • Resolved an issue in which Hondo was able to dispel Captive gained from Omega (Fugitive).
Updated 2 months ago
Version 3.0


  • Osets2117's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    2 months ago

    I can understand a fix for an unintended interaction, she shouldn't be gaining or losing turn meter against JMK. However the fact they didn't even mention the other ridiculous bugs that are detrimental to us is annoying. 

    They can fix bugs that benefit us immediately but when it comes to one's that affect us negatively, as slow as possible.

  • Osets2117's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    2 months ago

    Forgot to say this in my first comment, are you going to fix ahsoka soft locking the game? When using her in combat sometimes all the buttons disappear, either after she uses an ability or in the case of TB when probe droid attempts to respawn after blowing himself up. You know it's about to happen because the animations start stuttering. If you play on auto the bug doesn't happen. This bug has occurred in TB, Conquest, and squad arena, I'm sure it happens in TW as well

  • Amaria77's avatar
    New Observer
    2 months ago

    Yeah, I saw Ahsoka changes and hoped for fixes that would help her team out...but nah just a nerf. Totally worth the investment for the most expensive character in the game. 

  • Osets2117's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    2 months ago

    Are you gonna actually fix galactic legend Ahsoka Tano's team? Half the effects of the team don't work properly. Characters with backup plan don't revive and huyang doesn't hit the necessary amount of times equal to the number of exiled characters at the start.