Blog Post
14 hours agoSeasoned Rookie
This bug cost me 9 points on my first battle. Had a perfect 67 and only registered 58 points after. Better leave it broken for this round and fix after so to keep the match ups fair. I don't want to be penalized for playing according to my personal availability.
- cmjstota10614 hours agoSeasoned Veteran
Lost 16 banners in first 2 fights now waiting ally code 697 253 674
Problem is its treating chars that died as never there so you can score more banners if you lose characters or undersize roflma
Bane + 1 gets a 52 vs a full normal battle with no death or h/p loss getting a 48
- theplaymakah13 hours agoRising Newcomer
Yep, just happened to me. Had 66 banners after the first win, but only 58 registered.