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Bonjour, j'ai remarqué une perte de performance conséquente sur DX12. Je possède une 4090, un I714700KF et 32 GB de RAM. Pour exemple, il y a environ deux saisons en 1440p j'avais 300 FPS constants avec un 1% low à 295. DX12 était qu'en bêta et récent mais il était très performant. Aujourd'hui mêmes settings, même configuration. J'ai entre 200/240 fps avec un 1% low a 170. Ce qui représente une perte de presque 1/3 des performance. Pourquoi ?49Views0likes0CommentsAccount hacked, email, passww and usernamer changed...
Hello, I've got the follow issue. my account got hacked and the hacker changed everthing. Email, passww and username. Now my account got a ban, I can get in my account cause i'm still got the playstation login. But if I try to reache EA to contact the messages don't seem to arrive cause my email and everything is changed. I got a screenshot of prove that I got hacked.... What should i do?175Views0likes1CommentEAC doesnt work
Hay my name is bartek my ea name is stupid but its VA_S1GM4 and i have a problem with my easy anti cheat when i open apex it gives me the starter screen the animation plays and when i try to click on "continue" it gives me a msg that easy anti cheat doesnt work or there is a problem so i tried finding it by myself i made a shortcut and repaired it didnt work i tried it with other games it works somehow but it doesnt work for apex legends at all i even tried getting the system from other games into the apex files on my computer that didnt work either way and when i try opening the eac setup it insta closes so im seeking help here242Views0likes0CommentsProgress weg
Beste, ik en mijn broer hebben allebei een ps4, we speelen al jarenlang apex met elkaar op het zelfde ea account. We hebben het nu een paar maandjes niet meer gespeeld en toen we het weer wouden spelen was alle progressie op mijn ps4 weg en het was omgezet naar de progressie van mijn broer. Hoe kan dit? We kunnen ook niet meer samen spelen hierdoor omdat we op t zelfde account van apex zitten. Hoe kunnen we dit oplossen? Sep273Views0likes0CommentsLost my account after switching from ps4 to ps5
I haven’t played apex in 2 years and the last time i played was on my ps4. I got a ps5 last year and yesterday I downloaded apex again hoping to play on my account. It logged me in a new account… i really put alot of time and money in my old account, does any1 know how this even happend and how to get my account back?275Views0likes2CommentsPurchased double battlepass duo bug, any fix possible?
Hi, Duo to a bug at the release day from the new battle pass, I accidently purchases the normal battle pass (only one which was available) and the next day ultimate +. I already made a topic which leaded me nowhere. Is there any way to refund of fix this problem/ mistake? Dustin272Views0likes0CommentsFoutcode 51000 bij aankoop in apex legends
Hallo ea, ik heb net de premium pass in apex gekocht voor 9,99 via mijn telefoon, tijdens het laden van de betaling via origin ging mijn telefoon uit dus was de betaling volgensmij niet opgeslagen, ik heb nu nog niet mijn pass binnen maar heb al wel betaalt. hebben anderen ook een vergelijkbaar probleem gehad, zo ja zouden jullie mij kunnen helpen, en EA zelf natuurlijk vriendelijke groet Simon325Views0likes1CommentApex mini update - Big TDM "The Core" tijdelijk verwijderd uit rotatie
Hey Legends, Het blijkt dat er allerlei problemen waren met de Big TDM map "The Core", dus die is tijdelijk uitgschakeld. Ik raad jullie aan om ons social media in de gaten te houden voor updates.EA_QueenBee5 months agoCommunity Manager330Views0likes0CommentsApex video settings not saving
I have a problem with Apex. Everytime I boot up my game I have to manually change my video settings to the right ones. So when I'm done playing the game and boot it up a different day I have to change the video settings again. The video settings won't save. My gameplay settings and keybinds save everytime I change them but my video settings won't. Can someone help me?317Views0likes0CommentsApex coins missing
ik heb apex coins gekocht en verzilverd en niks gehad. Ik ben nu 24 uur aan het wachten. Ik wou met een adviseur spreken maar kan niks vinden over adviseurs aleen maar berichten erover dat je hun moet contacten maar niet word uitgelegt/gelinkt hoe ik heb gebeld met nederlands, belgisch,en Englels overal word gezegt dat er een ander nummer is en dat ik naar moet gaan maar vind daar ook niks. Kunnen jullie dit fixen en mag ik mijn apex coins455Views0likes5CommentsRankreset WHILE new season has been started
Hello, I have been grinding ranked for the past 4 days since the new season. 2 minutes ago I ended a match, my rank was gold 2 around 500 RP. I click on progress and I get a pop-up that the rank has been reset and now I'm silver 4? Can someone fix this, this is absolute madness? I added the screen from my last match as proof, like what in the actual flip? I knew apex was going downhill but this? I expect this to be fixed asap?439Views0likes1CommentRanked servers
How is it possible that I queue into a game, get kicked out after having 600 ping and 2 seizures later to then return and get an abandonment penalty? At this point this must be a joke right? Wrong. After sitting out 10 minutes similar situation happens and ea is giving me 10 more minutes to try and contact “support” for something they’re aware of but just gaf about. Great way to promote the new season. Small tip, it’s the servers that is the issue with apex, not new a map and a reworked lifeline457Views0likes0Commentssolo
i will try for 2 day's solo mode but its always problems with Matchmaking alwy's about 10 players and it go's not furter to 50 10 than go back to 8 bit later to 11 and its keep going on like this always up and down but never more than 20 could you guy's check this ploblem please because its not playabel i guess there will be an update made for this561Views0likes1CommentWiped account
How can you guys fix my account that ive spent thousands of dollars on. I come back to the game from being away for a year or so and i come back to my account being wiped of all its cosmetics. (Weapon skins, legends, legend skins, heirlooms etc.) All my stats are still on the account just have none of the stuff ive actually paid for.600Views0likes1Comment